на самом сайте Gibson эта модель 1600 долл, а то что ты скинул это B-Stock...то есть с косяком гитара или после возврата.
... и добавил:да и то, не уверен что на Гипсон недорогую серийку идет гондурасс и африка, но доказательств естесно у меня нет))) мое предположение
... и добавил:как минимум они сами на сайте не уточняют какое, а просто махогани и все, типо не парьтесь
... и добавил:Gibson has set up a global commodity chain that supplies them with 'sustainably certified' mahogany by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) grown in Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala and Fiji.
... и добавил:Where does Gibson source their wood?
These woods come from Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Mexico and the U.S. Some of these woods are harvested illegally or come from regions that are being heavily deforested. So Gibson is working with the Rainforest Alliance to be sure that the wood in its guitars is sustainably sourced.
... и добавил:Where does the best quality mahogany come from?
Most of the Genuine Mahogany Timber (Swietenia macrophylla) now grown comes from plantations where the timber is managed under controlled conditions. They typically operate responsibly and sustain-ably. Geographically, we are talking about areas in Mexico, Fiji, Costa Rica instead of lush rain forests.
... и добавил:Is it illegal to own mahogany?
"This wood is illegal as a matter of both U.S. and international law. It is illegal to trade in it, to import it, and to possess it. Even so, the Bush administration has done nothing to stop Peruvian mahogany from entering the country," said Carroll Muffett, director of Defenders of Wildlife's International Program.
... и добавил:Why is mahogany so expensive?
Mahogany is so expensive because it has a high demand and is becoming increasingly hard to acquire. The high demand of Mahogany is due to its pleasing appearance, dark fine grain, and long lasting durability. Mahogany has also become more scarce leading to a lack of supply and higher prices.
... и добавил:как видим с гондураса таки идет, а так же еще много от куда идет))) из Мексики, Коста Рики, Фиджи, Индонезии, Индии, Гватемалы...короче говрюж...красное и красное...не парьтесь)0)