Originally developed in the 1950s from a successful Celestion radio speaker, the CT3757, the Alnico Blue is the worlds first dedicated guitar loudspeaker.
Its use in early
Marshall and Vox amplifiers helped to define the sound of 60s British popular music and it remains today one of the most desirable guitar loudspeakers in the business.
Alnico refers to the composition of its magnet material, an alloy of Aluminium, Nickel and Cobalt, and when combined with an overloaded tube amplifier, the Blue distorts easily, with its unique response smoothing the sound into gloriously creamy overtones rich in quality and sustain. The Blue also benefits from an exceptional dynamic range, making it a highly expressive speaker. Load a Celestion Blue into a single 12" or 2 x 12" vintage combo and the sweet and bright tones lend it ideally to a range of playing styles including jazz, blues, country and indie.
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