Ну, а по S\N можно проверить же!!!
Serial Numbers Search
In 1977, Gibson introduced the serialization method that is in practice today. This updated system utilizes an impressed eight digit numbering scheme that covers both serializing and dating functions. The pattern is as follows:
YY is the production year
DDD is the day of the year
PPP is the plant designation and/or instrument rank.
Since 1989, acoustic guitars built at our Bozeman, Montana facility are ranked from 001-499. Electric Guitars built at the Gibson USA plant in Nashville are ranked from 500-999. Prior to 1984, the numbers 001-499 show Kalamazoo production, 500-999 show Nashville production. The serial numbers from the Custom, Art, and Historic division vary depending on the line. The historic reissue guitars feature historically accurate serial numbers.
Examples: 70108276 means the instrument was produced on Jan. 10, 1978, in Kalamazoo and was the 276th instrument stamped that day.
82765501 means the instrument was produced on Oct. 3, 1985, in Nashville and was the 1st instrument stamped that day.
Тут уже все ясно будет, отправить запрос на GIBSON AMERICA и спросить делали его или нет. Если нет:), идем в музторг с гитарой и :mgwhore2: :mgwhore2: :mgwhore2:

жестко бьем продавца, который втирал, что американский Gibson! Я буду делать именно так, если “что!!!”:)