Автор Тема: Как расшифровать серийник на гитаре?  (Прочитано 697 раз)

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Re: Как расшифровать серийник на гитаре?
« Ответ #1 : Апреля 06, 2008, 15:57:47 »
Hamer serial numbers are fairly easy to understand, given that the first digit in
the instrument’s serial number is the last digit of the year the instrument was
produced (1986 would be a 6, for instance). The use of a single digit means
that those numbers will cycle every ten years (0 to 9); instrument production
dates now have more relevance.
From 1974 to 1981, Hamer USA employed two separate serial numbering
systems, one for custom instruments, and one for production models:
Custom Instruments: These instruments are easily recognized by the use of a
four-digit number stamped into the wood on the back of the peghead. The
numbers ran from #0000 through #0680. All of the early Hamer USA Standards
and 12-string basses, as well as a number of prototype instruments, were
included in this serial numbering system.
Production Models: Production models are stamped (initially with ink, later in
the wood, on the back of the peghead) with either a five or six-digit serial number.
The first digit indicates the year that the instrument was built. The next four or
five digits are sequentially stamped in order of production. For example, serial
number 7 0001 was built in 1977, and was the first production model guitar
built. Similarly, 0 1964 was built in 1980, and was the 1,964th production guitar
built. The serial numbering sequence by decade is indicated below:
7 0001-9 1450 1970S
0 1451-9 24192 1980S
0 24193- 9 50155 1990S
0 50156- 2000S
Hamer Serialization courtesy Jol Dantzig & Frank Rindone Hamer USA.