Ну то есть, по которым явно видно, что сделаны не в 1986 году )) и при этом не уродливые и играбельные.
Yamaha RGX A2
Body - On the face of it this is a Strat type body in shape and contouring. However it hides an intriguing secret. Yamaha call it an Alternative Internal Resonance body. This is made by sandwiching a light weight wood between two heavier, denser slabs. The central wood has holes called "air tubes" which pass vibrations from the top to the back of the guitar. This ensures the whole body resonates giving better sustain and tone for a lighter overall weight. The guitar certainly is lightweight and the acoustic (un-amplified) sustain is quite impressive.
The front of the body is white with two decorative aircraft-grey lines, one above the bridge pickup, the other following the line of the control knobs to the bottom of the body. These embellishments emphasise the modern design. The edge of the face has a line of metallic silver binding-effect paintwork and the back and sides are aircraft-grey.