Если поставишь правильный звучок в бридж - получишь и правильный звук, ИМХО.
Ну, если читать описание звучков на оф. сайте PRS, то и стоковые обладают хорошим выхлопом. Но это все теория. Мне же интересно мнение реальных обладателей - уверен, что есть владельцы ПРС, которые пробовали гитару на предмет схожести с ЛП в тяжелых стилях музыки.
В спойлере немного инфы по звукаснемателям PRS (взято с
http://www.prsguitars.com/csc/faq.html )
What are the differences among your current pickups?
Treble Position Pickups:
HFS: Stock on Custom 24s, CE 24s and Standard 24s. Originally meaning Hot, Fat and Screams, the HFS features a powerful ceramic magnet and hot coils for an aggressive tone when cranked, clear highs, searing midrange and thumping bass.
*This pickup is compatible with our 5 position rotary pickup selector.
Dragon II Treble: Stock on Custom 22s, CE 22s and Standard 22s. The nickel silver cover and months of tweaking have resulted in an alnico pickup with McCarty like tones and a little more output.
*This pickup is compatible with our 5 position rotary pickup selector.
McCarty Treble: Stock on the McCarty Model and McCarty Standard. Using a unique manufacturing process inspired by Ted McCarty, combined with a vintage alnico magnet and special nickel silver cover, give the McCarty its silvery vintage tone. This pickup contains a few more turns on the coils to balance it with the bass position pickup.
Archtop Treble: Stock on the Archtop and Hollowbodies. This is a clearer, less powerful version of our McCarty treble pickup. This pickup was specifically designed to match well with the PRS Piezo system and is good for many styles of music.
PRS #6 Treble: This is similar in sound to our PRS #7 but without the cover and is again a result of our tweaking. Clear and well balanced across the entire tonal spectrum, this pickup is very alive and sounds excellent distorted.
PRS #7 Treble: This may be one of the best treble pickups we make. It’s powerful and clear with vintage alive characteristics. It is also used on stage by many touring bands.
PRS #8 Treble: Stock on guitars Paul Reed Smith has made for himself or his friends. Paul prefers this pickup for its singing, vintage and light midrange qualities.
PRS #9 Treble: Not currently stock on any model, this is the most vintage sounding treble pickup PRS makes.
PRS #10 Treble: Not currently stock on any model, a smooth and musical sounding treble pickup that can sound aggressive yet stays creamy in the high end.
RP Treble: They're the best version of the pickups Paul has in his main guitars. They're very close to our McCarty pickups, but the treble pickup has a bit more midrange and high-midrange.
Dragon Treble: Not currently stock on any model. This pickup is fat with lots of clarity and sounds great clean or at high gain. A powerful ceramic magnet combined with a high number of turns produces a huge sound; good for driving high gain type amps.
*This pickup is compatible with our 5 position rotary pickup selector.
Santana Treble: Stock on the Santana II. On many occasions, Carlos Santana has taken guitars out of our shipping room and used them in concert that evening. This is the pickup he originally came to rely upon.
Santana III Treble: Stock on the Santana III. This is the pickup Carlos is currently using - Similar to Dragon II’s but tweaked for Carlos. This pickup will give you smooth tones for all styles of music.
Tremonti Treble: The Tremonti Treble pickup is specifically wound to Mark's specifications with powerful custom magnets. This is the hottest, most aggressive pickup we currently offer.
Johnny Hiland Treble: This pickup was designed with Johnny in mind. It is a cross between a clear McCarty treble pickup and an over-wound "Country Style" single coil. Johnny is able to get an enormous amount of versatility with this pickup which allows him to play almost any style of music.
Bass Position Pickups:
Vintage Bass: Stock on Custom 24s, CE 24s and Standard 24s. This alnico pickup provides a round, clear tone to complement the HFS and also works well when coil tapped.
*This pickup is compatible with our 5 position rotary pickup selector.
Dragon II Bass: Stock on Custom 22s, CE 22s and Standard 22s. The nickel silver cover and our tweaking have resulted in a rich bass position humbucker with enough output and clarity for any style of playing.
*This pickup is compatible with our 5 position rotary pickup selector.
McCarty Bass: Stock on the McCarty Model and McCarty Standard. Using a unique manufacturing process inspired by Ted McCarty, combined with a vintage alnico magnet and special nickel silver cover, give this McCarty pickup a nice vintage tone.
Archtop Bass: Stock on the Archtop and Hollowbodies. This is also a clearer, less powerful version of our McCarty bass pickup. The pickup was specifically designed to match well with the PRS Piezo system and is good for many styles of music including jazz and rhythm guitar.
PRS #6 Bass: Clear, warm and extremely well balanced across the entire tonal spectrum.
PRS #7 Bass: It is a full range pickup with vintage alive characteristics. It is also highly recommended and used on stage by many touring bands.
PRS #8 Bass: Again these are stock on guitars Paul Reed Smith has made for himself or his friends. It is a full range pickup with warm yet clear characteristics.
PRS #9 Bass: Not currently stock on any model, this is the most vintage sounding bass pickup PRS makes.
PRS #10 Bass: Not currently stock on any model, this is a warm and buttery sounding pickup that compliments many musical styles.
RP Bass: They're the best and closest sounding version of the pickups Paul has in his main guitars. They're very close to our McCarty pickups, but the RP bass pickup is a bit clearer.
Dragon Bass: Not currently stock on any model. This pickup has a great combination of rich, warm bass with sweet "angelic" high end. The vintage alnico magnet and winding process result in a pickup that is beautiful for solos and rhythm.
*This pickup is compatible with our 5 position rotary pickup selector.
Santana Bass: Stock on the Santana II. On many occasions, Carlos Santana has taken guitars out of our shipping room and used them in concert that evening. This is the pickup he originally came to rely upon and continues to be one of his favorite bass pickups.
Santana III Bass: Stock on the Santana III. Again Carlos’ pickup of choice - this pickup is essentially a Santana bass pickup with a cover. It has less output than the Santana III treble pickup resulting in the perfect combination.
Tremonti Bass: The Tremonti Bass pickup features an alnico magnet and is the perfect compliment to the Tremonti Treble pickup. This is the same pickup Mark uses in concert and in the studio for is rhythm sounds.
Johnny Hiland Bass:This is a powerful and clear pickup with lively vintage characteristics. It compliments the JH Treble pickup perfectly.
Electric Bass Pickups: We took a modern/vintage route with our Electric Bass pickups. The tone is fat and clear, and because of the wide "blade" design, string balance is even. The blade and the bobbin follow the radius of the fingerboard and there is also a comfortable thumb rest built into the rounded ends of the bobbin.
alexdn, у Борленда вроде выходило нюметл жирнющий играть на Прске... думаю должен подойти))
Мне нравится звук Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park и т.д. Но во-первых не стоит сравнивать людей с богатейшим опытом на эстраде, с дорогущей аппаратурой, с сделанными под заказ инструментами и под конкретное музыкальное оборудование, с звуком, который проходит кучу преобразователей, предуселений, эквалайзеров и всего прочего и обычного "студента"

Ну а во-вторых даже у названых групп звук относительно тяжелый. Если разобрать их по партиям (или послушать на саундчеке), то станет понятно о чем я.
Вот например нашел сравнение PRS vs Gibson в одно и тоже оборудование:
PRS vs Gibson Les Paulна 1.02 есть перегруз, но и запись слабая и модель PRS не совсем мой вариант да и одной записи маловато.
Вот еще не плохой тест:
Gibson vs PRS vs Wolfgang EVHне совсем то, что мне нужно, но очень хорошо сравнили. Может кому-то будет интересно.
Вообще-то уже предчувствую, что кто-то сейчас напишет: " а в чем проблема? пойди и послушай все сам!". Проблема в том, что послушать почти не будет возможности

Именно поэтому и обращаюсь именно в эту ветку, так как судя по количеству сообщений и подписям тут обитают владельцы всех видов PRS

Вот и подскажите - не ошибусь ли в выборе? Получу ли плотный перегруз? Опять таки может быт кто-то подскажет хорошие ссылки на муз. файл или видео, где хорошо слышно PRS на сильном перегрузе.
В том, что PRS хороша на чистом, легком перегрузе, в соло - меня убеждать не надо. А вот вопрос с перегрузом меня беспокоит.