Кстати интересно. на фенгдер ком вообще посносили страничку когда лопатили сайт, на гитарпроджект новых тоже нед, в сканированные справочники в сети тем более никто ничего не добавит уже)))
http://www.fender.com/en-RU/news/index.php/?display_article=490 Also, the serial numbering conventions for Fender instruments built in the United States and Mexico changed
not once but twice for 2010 and onward. These are:
Serial numbers that begins with 10, followed by a space and then several other digits. This system was quickly replaced by a second convention, although instruments bearing these designations were produced for a few months in late 2009 and early 2010.
Serial numbers that begin with “US” and “MX,” followed by two digits that denote the year and then several other digits, thus denoting the country of origin and the model year (a serial number starting with “US12,” for example, would describe a U.S.-made instrument built in 2012; “MX10” would describe an instrument built in Mexico in 2010).
The new serial numbering system implemented in 2010 should enable the most comprehensibly reliable product dating accuracy in Fender history for many years to come. These more recent instrument serial numbering designations will be updated on the Fender website Support page “Product Dating” section in the near future.
... и добавил:Народ. А где посмотреть расшифровку серийников новых гитар?...
допустим вот
телек 2011 года
Получается что 2010-го...