
В пустышках струны зацеплены за низ гитары,
а с полупустышках с центральной частью, ввинчены в центральную часть
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semi-acoustic_guitarThe semi-acoustic and semi-hollow body guitars were used widely by jazz musicians in the 1930s.The guitars sometimes produced feedback when played through an amplifier at a loud level so they were unpopular for bands that had to play loud enough to perform in large venues. As rock became more experimental in the late 60s and 70s, the guitar became more popular
because players learned to use its feedback issues creatively. ... и добавил:
Похоже, что эти лютье уже изобрели фрезер, ☀️
тк стамеской такие полости выбирать слишком трудоемко. И на фото нет следов стамесок....