2 cRock: Дык я ж и не говорил, что это там было

Нам, "зеленым", только суп нужен из настоящей черепахи, а медиатры - из искусственной. Однако, вот тут с задней скамьи товарищи подсказывают:
"I got the picks in the mail today. I'm blown away. They are more that I could've expected.
They've instantly replaced my old tortoise shell as my most prized pick. I would've never known the difference if someone had told me these were real tortoise shell. Except these are even better. The Medium and Heavy are my favorites. I've been picking bluegrass all afternoon. Very inspiring. You made my day. Anyhow, you can probably see that I'm very impressed. I'm doing a session in the morning. I'll be bragging on them. . ."
Mike Waldron - Guitar player for Lee Ann Womack and Nashville session player