Привет всем гитарным силам!
Несколько вопросов о модификациях (версиях) преампов:
1) "Mesa Boogie Triaxis"
- 1.0 "British Shred"
- 2.0 "Recto mod"
- 2.1 "Fat mod"
- ...?
Сколько этих модификаций вообще существует (по годам выпуска)?
Какая модификация последняя?
Чем эти модификации отличаются между собой (звук, функции)?
Как узнать модификацию "Triaxis", поскольку внешне эти преампы одинаковые?
За остальное не скажу, не знаю, а по триаксису картина такая. Извини, что английский, но переводить влом. И как говорила моя первая учительница английского (мечтательно так..) "язык нужно знать в лицо".
Hopefully this can help. Some info I found digging in the archieves.
The TriAxis was introduced to the world in October 1992 and began with serial
#T0001. That would have been the 1.0 software version. In January 1993 the
version 2.0 software was introduced. That would have been somewhere around
serial #T1700. In 1997 around serial #T5000, all TriAxis were leaving the
factory with the fat MOD was part of the software. The fat MOD only affects
Lead One RED. It simply smoothes out the top-end of the Rectifier Sound making
it sound more like the actual Rectifier itself.
The "FAT" Mod
TriAxis' shipped after June 97 have the new Lead One Red as standard specification. So serial #'s below 5200 have the Lead1 Recto mod and above 5200 have the "Fat Mod".
This mod is a circuit change to mode Lead One Red. A kit is available, that will enable an authorized MESA technician to do the work. Look for one in your area, or contact MESA directly.
MESA advises that users test a new TriAxis at their local dealer to see if the new tone works for them, before having the modification done. If you are happy with the sound of LD1, you may not like the change. I believe this mod is for those users that don't use their LD1 mode often. This modification will expand their use of this particular mode.
The current tone is described as being "fat, (of course) singing soloing tones that are super smooth" The high-end has been tailored for more balance.
There are no other modifications available for the TriAxis. The most current software version for the TriAxis is 2.0. Serial #'s above 1700 are version 2.0. When you power on the TriAxis the panel lights will flash a "1" for Version 1 or "2" for Version 2.
Here is exactly what is changed to "reverse" the mod. So go by that to see exactly what was added .
All mods are on the TX4 board (the Lead 1 Red board)
1) Add 4 resistors:
R9 :120 KOhm
R44 : 33 KOhm
R45 : 330 KOhm
R46 : 82 KOhm
2) Add 4 disc. caps:
C5, C6 & C12 : 0.001 µF
C22 : 47 pF
3) Change 2 Res:
These 2 res are near the center of the board and labelled MID &
BASS. Replace them with:
R33 (MID) : 1 MOhm
R34 (BASS) : 10 KOhm
Thats all the info I have so maybe that can help. I take no credit for any of the writing but to the best of my knowledge it is correct. This is basically the same info that was used when I had mine reversed.From what I understand there were a few different versions of the TX4 board but I am not 100 % positive on that. I also understand that they are not shipping the new ones with the fat mod,but I have not confirmed that.A call to Mesa would clear that up i'm sure.
The "Fat Mod”
TriAxis' shipped after June 97 have new “Lead 1 Red” as standard specification. Serial #'s below 5200 have Lead 1 “Recto Mod” (board TX04 added) and above 5200 have "Fat Mod". This mod is a circuit change to mode Lead 1 Red (both software and hardware). A kit is available, that will enable an authorized MESA technician to do the work. Look for one in your area or contact MESA directly. MESA advises that users test a new TriAxis at their local dealer to see if the new tone works for them, before having the modification done. If you're happy with the sound of Lead 1, you may not like the change. I believe this mod is for those users that don't use their Lead 1 mode often. This modification will expand their use of this particular mode.
The current tone is described as being "fat (of course), singing soloing tones that are super smooth", the high-end has been tailored (rolled off) for more balance. It emulates the circuitry in the Rectifier series of amp. Someone says that more closely resemble (somiglia maggiormente) to the Orange Channel of Dual Recto.
The most current software version for TriAxis is 2.0. Serial #'s above 1700 are version 2.0. When you power on TriAxis the panel lights will flash a "1" for Version 1 or "2" for Version 2.
If you’ve TriAxis and are still not sure if yours is with or w/o “Fat Mod” here’s how to find out: restore your factory presets (pg. 5 in the manual), then set your TriAxis on Factory Preset #01:
Lead 1 Red Preset # Gain Tre Mid Bass Lead1 Lead2 Master Pres. D.Voice
w/o 01 6.0 5.0 7.0 7.0 6.0 - 5.0 5.0 0.0 British Shred
w/ Fat Mod 01 6.0 6.5 7.5 8.0 5.5 - 4.5 5.0 0.0 Rectifier
w/ Fat Mod 10 6.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 2.0 - 5.5 2.0 0.0
From Version 1 to Version 2 the differences seem to be:
Treble Mid Bass Lead1 Master