"1) the circuit board is potted in epoxy, making repair extremely difficult. This was done I’m sure to prevent people from ripping of the design. Well it didn’t stop me from reverse engineering it, just took a little longer. There is no magic in the design and it’s along the same lines as Soldano and others, who I speculate all ripped off the Laney AOR design and tweaked it.
2) Coupling capacitors from one stage to the next are severely under rated. One cap failed in my unit when I pull the cap out I was horrified to find that it was only rated at 100V. This is cap that has over 300Vapplied to it! That’s really bad engineering.
3) The fuse holder in the back of the unit is wired backwards. I know you say backwards, a fuse doesn’t know direction. Well, that is true but this is a safety issue. When the fuse blows you have to reach in and pull it out. The metal you touch needs to be on the blown side, not the line side. With this unit it’s on the line side so when you remove a blown fuse you are touching the line side (120V).
4) Using shielded cable in a high gain amp is a must. The rockmod appropriately uses shielded cabled. But once again the designer did something really stupid. For the fist input stage (the cable that caries the signal from the jack to the first tube) the designed tied the shied to the plate of the first tube. Electrically is will work correctly for shielding. The problem is once again safety. If the shied were to short to the center conductor the guitar player would get 200V+ into the guitar cord!
5) Mechanically the design is not very robust. There are many components that do not have the proper mechanical support. Vibration will eventually cause the solder joints to fail."

...это про первый рокмод
а гитариста как зовут? имхо всёж лучше своего поискать, пользы будет больше...