Вот эта трагическая история про билл лоренс в иносказательной форме

A Tale of Two Frogs by Becky Lawrence
ONCE UPON A TIME, there were two frogs from the old country. One was a clever and bold frog who lived by the philosophy, "There's a sucker born every minute." He owned several establishments in the village, and business was good. While he got richer and richer, the townspeople got poorer and poorer.
The second frog was actually a "bullfrog.". He was naturally gifted with an equal talent in both music and science. When the talented bullfrog would play music for the townspeople, his extraordinary abilities excited them and his sweet sound brought tears to their eyes it was so beautiful. The talented bullfrog was a big star in his home village.
The two frogs happen to meet one day and became fast friends. The clever frog admired his new friend for his musical and scientific abilities. The talented bullfrog admired his new friend for his cleverness and boldness. They became like brothers.
The two frogs decided to join together and start a new business. Their company would highlight the talented bullfrog's abilities for science and music, and the clever frog would promote and sell the talented frog's wares. This was a union made in heaven.
As years passed, the word spread about the talented bullfrog, and he became famous in other villages. The talented bullfrog wanted to expand his world. Because the clever frog believed he could run their business by himself ( and because he was also greedy), he thought it was a good idea for his friend to move away too. The two frogs parted ways amicably.
The talented bullfrog continued to find much success and fame in his new village. However, the clever frog realized that he couldn't run the business successfully without the talented bullfrog's help, and finally, sold the company. The clever frog wasn't aware that he'd met up with even more clever frogs who never paid him nor his friend for the sale of their company. In despair, he moved back to his home village in shame.
Twelve years passed before the two frogs met again. The clever frog had struggled unsuccessfully in his home village to find a new niche while the talented bullfrog became even more successful with his new company. The two friend's lives had taken opposite paths.
One day, the talented bullfrog found out he had been tricked by a group of lawyer frogs who wanted to use his identity without his approval. To protect his company and his life's work, the talented bullfrog knew that he would need a clever frog he could trust to help him fight the lawyer frogs who wanted to steal from him. The talented bullfrog remembered his good friend from the old country.
The talented bullfrog searched long and hard for the clever frog and actually found him living in the very same village where the talented frog lived! Obviously, the clever frog knew about the great success and prestige his old friend had achieved while he'd been away. Where there was once great admiration for his talented bullfrog friend, the clever frog's admiration had turned to envy.
When the talented bullfrog asked the clever frog for help, the clever frog agreed but under the condition that he become a partner in the talented bullfrog's company. As long as the clever frog performed as agreed between the two, the talented frog didn't see any problem. What the talented bullfrog didn't know is that the clever frog had his own plan -- to steal from him too! Either way, the talented bullfrog was screwed. When the talented bullfrog finally recognized his clever friends' trap, it was too late. The two frogs parted ways -- this time not amicably.
In the end, the clever frog was just not clever enough because his envy and greed had clouded his ability to see the situation clearly. What the clever frog didn't understand nor recognize, until it was too late, is:
No matter what he did, the clever frog could not steal the gifted bullfrog's talents for music and science, and most especially, the towns people appreciation for it!
(Disclaimer: A resemblance to any frog, alive or dead, *may be* merely a coincidence.)