Автор Тема: Orville.  (Прочитано 932 раз)

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« : Октября 19, 2004, 22:56:56 »
Слышал, что сабж хорошие гитарки делает.

Кто что думает об вот этой штуке: http://www.musicon.ru/detail.php?userid=34c59a4dcf6057d41197a3ed5be320e8&nm_cod=998019979 ???

Оффлайн Hotrodguitar

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« Ответ #1 : Октября 20, 2004, 10:34:54 »
японский эпифон...

Оффлайн NeCaster

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« Ответ #2 : Октября 20, 2004, 11:00:46 »
Orville / Orville By Gibson (Gibson Japan)

There are basically two types of Gibson guitars that came out of Japan. "Orville by Gibson" and "Orville". Now the "Orville by Gibson" was considered the Top Models in this line. The name Gibson was already registered by another company so they decided to go with the "Orville" name.  They feature high attention to detail (replicating vintage details). They are a more accurate detailed versions of the Vintage guitars they are modeled after. The quality on these guitars are not spared as well. Orville is the first name of the founder of Gibson Guitars, Orville Gibson. "Orville" guitars were the standard line. Now these guitars may not have been the top models, but they are equally collectible and did feature high quality construction. These are one of the most interesting guitars to ever come out of Japan. There were other guitar manufacturers in Japan that replicated Gibson Vintage guitars at the time, like Tokai or Burny for example (if you ever saw their early catalog it was like looking at a Gibson catalog), who had almost most of Gibson's guitars copied. Gibson decided to do the next smart thing and open up a division in Japan. A handful of amazing beautiful guitars were then produced, rivaling the Gibson USA guitars. Orville and Orville by Gibson was closed down after about ten years, and later became Epiphone (Epiphone Japan is now being discontinued). Now don't get the quality of Epiphone and Orvilles confused. Epiphone was created as an economy line. But the Orville and Orville by Gibson guitars were faithful replications of Vintage Gibson Guitars, right down to the trademark Gibson headstock.  If you thought the Epiphone Elites are nice, wait until you get your hands on an Orville!

Другими словами, хороший инструмент. Цена за этот конкретный экз. - нормальная.  (см. например: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=47072&item=3752932764&rd=1)

Оффлайн NeCaster

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« Ответ #3 : Октября 20, 2004, 15:11:22 »
Серж, не вполне так. Да, после 1998 г. они стали делать Epi, но и качество стало Epi. А когда они лепили копии LP (особенно те, которые by Gibson) - это было несколько поинтереснее :-)) Может, я субъективен, конечно, но пара гитар Orvilleс (старых), которые я попробовал, показались мне очень на уровне...