Насчет цены - это точно. Если триаксис я взял на ибее за 950 + 70 доставка, Усилок тоже сейчас надеюсь взять там же где-то за 500, то вот каб мне стопудово новый придется в магазине заказывать, здесь у нас никто не продает с рук. Поэтому если рассматривать месовские кабы то они как и все ихнее оборудование стоят до небес... Если 1922 можно взять за 450, то месу аналогичную за 700-800

Зырьте че буржую про 1922 пишут.
Features: 6
As simple as it can get. Two handles. Two inputs. No frills. Hey, it's just a cab. It was very light, which was the only good feature of this cab.
Sound Quality: 1
I play hard rock in the style of Mr. Big and prog metal in the style of Dream Theater. Play some blues every once in a while. I own a TriAxis, G-Major, Mesa 20-20. My guitars are Peavey EVH WOlfgang, Ibanez S540. This cab sucks big time. It sounds (what a big word) buzzy, muddy and out of focus. That's not a matter of quantity of speakers, I now own a Mesa Recto 2x12 cab which is actually what I would call a cab. I have to disagree with the guy who wrote that 4x12 is better than 2x12, in fact my 2x12 Mesa cab is way better than most 4x12s out these. One day he will start playing guitar seriously and he will notice the difference between *good* and *bad* cabs.
This is probably the worse cab out there.
Reliability: 10
It's a piece of fake wood with two loudspeakers installed. You can't get rid of it unless you drop it.
Customer Support: N/A
Never dealt w/em
Overall Rating: 2
This piece of crap doesn't deserve to be called a *cab*. You'd better buy a Behringer cab or look for a used ENGL.