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WowaА вот в моей теме последней,которую я выложил в разделе демо-там как раз такая схема.Только там не квадрапл,а октапл.http://guitarplayer.ru/index.php?topic=62013.0JamaВсе очень просто.Берем,и смотрим оригинал..."Machine Head- The More Things Change - guitar - was 5150 into marshall 30 watt vintage cab, 2 421's, tube screamer ,Telefunken mic pre's and GML 8200 EQ + SSL on mix down.the mics in relation to the cab? - both pretty much on axis straight on.SSL = Solid State Logic, we used a 96 input G+ at Larrabee in LA to mix.Source: Andy Sneap on his forum at http://www.ultimatemetal.com"( http://noise101.wikidot.com/bands-in-the-studio#toc8 )Хохо!И главное-пафосно так,с видом знатока:"ничем.только меса без всякого гавна,максимум там есть филтр на перегрузе для получения круглого звука"
DEAD HEART IN A DEAD WORLD:Custom Built 7 String Guitar loaded with EMG 707 pickups. The guitars were routed into a Ibanez TS-9 Tube Screamer that was used as a signal boost. The settings on the TS-9 were:Drive: 9 O'ClockTone: 10 O'ClockLevel: 12 O'ClockThis was fed into the amp that was used on all of the rhythm and leads. The amp used was a Mesa Boogie (2 Channel) Dual Rectifier that was straight from the box. The Mesa Recto was routed into a Marshall 1960B 4X12 Cab with the stock 75 Celestions they have. Settings on the Mesa Recto were:Silicon Diode SettingBold SettingRed (Modern) ChannelTreble: 11.30Mids: 10 O'ClockBass: 11.30Gain: 12:30Presence: 12.30Master: 10 O'ClockThere were 4 tracks of rhythm, with 2 tracks being panned 100% left and right, and the other set being panned 80% left and right. There was no compression, limiting, etc…only a slight touch of EQ used. Two Shure SM-57's were used for recording, one on the center of the cone about an inch away. This was the approximate's denoted by Andy Sneap previously.
Удивляю...Это тебе как пример того,что иногда не стоит вые*ываца,а послушать старших...МальчегЪ...
ну и?скример для солоХаха!Во клоун!
http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/andy-sneap/343001-hi-guys.html#post6628211Во-сделал для тебя темку.Почитаешь на досуге...
b]Jama:[/b] Молчал бы о том, чего не знаешь.
Jama: ввел людей в заблуждение а потом в кусты. Поумерь гонору.