Автор Тема: Russian equipment  (Прочитано 25062 раз)

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Оффлайн Beleth

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Re: Russian equipment
« Ответ #15 : Ноября 13, 2008, 15:33:08 »
I have yerasov gavrosh 8 its really good tube amp for home practising :)

Also i have Chris Custom Loud Crasher, from all distorns i listend it has the best sound, IMHO.

Оффлайн metallomashinist

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Re: Russian equipment
« Ответ #16 : Ноября 13, 2008, 15:58:07 »
It so funny because most authors have signatures writen on russian :)) So it is a good possibility to train our "Guitar English" ;)

Оффлайн Starlight

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Re: Russian equipment
« Ответ #17 : Ноября 13, 2008, 18:48:08 »
My brother used to play a sort of "customized" Ural a few years ago. Basing on his impressions, there's only one thing I would recommend you to do: stay away.

I have similar Ural too) I have to "mod" it when I started play the electro guitar about 5 years ago, and it is the worse guitar I ever played, my home-made guitar sounds 10 times better))

Оффлайн Zein

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Re: Russian equipment
« Ответ #18 : Ноября 13, 2008, 21:38:34 »
What did you mean?
I mean, holy shit1!!!!

Оффлайн painttt

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Re: Russian equipment
« Ответ #19 : Ноября 14, 2008, 23:01:25 »
I'm so like smb pedals. I have STP4 and i'm so like it)))))

Оффлайн Musicwalk

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Re: Russian equipment
« Ответ #20 : Ноября 15, 2008, 15:35:58 »
Only Ural is enough for trueъ brutal modern sound
Ural is a heavy armored device

Оффлайн Keen

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Re: Russian equipment
« Ответ #21 : Ноября 15, 2008, 17:19:13 »
I do. I use Elektronika FL-01 Flanger, EG-10 EQ and the IN2155 Combo with 4A32 speaker.
The first one is incredible unit, able to be 4 units in one: the short delay, the flanger, the chorus (well, alike) and the analog synth. Second is not bad graphic 10-band EQ. Only replaced capacitors to better ones. The 4A32 speaker is not a guitar speaker, but if the sound cone
is cut out it can replace one.
Also if we consider Musima Deluxe 25K as the SU guitar ... =)

Оффлайн МИХАНикус

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Re: Russian equipment
« Ответ #22 : Ноября 16, 2008, 20:25:11 »
I have Chris Custom Dr. Drive. It`s amazing thing! Soft groul there is. And I want Dr. Scream very much. With american strat, yeah  8)

Оффлайн Max240p

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Re: Russian equipment
« Ответ #23 : Ноября 18, 2008, 22:13:46 »
I've got U-Sound's "Autumn Blues GS" overdrive. It's kind of TubeScreamer.
Btw, they have a English version website, Check this out!

Оффлайн White_Prayer

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Re: Russian equipment
« Ответ #24 : Ноября 20, 2008, 23:46:12 »
I had used rackmount tube 3 channel preamplifier made by Victor Custom Workshop on two tubes with the difficult russian marks 6?-2?-?? . It was sounds dzh-dzh-dzh like true-evil amp had to. But there was not FX loop. I had not wanted to modify it. So i have sold it.
« Последнее редактирование: Ноября 21, 2008, 00:05:17 от White_Prayer »

Оффлайн albertas

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Re: Russian equipment
« Ответ #25 : Ноября 21, 2008, 22:29:50 »
I plug into Ostap custom reborn model (50 W true valve amp, who doesn't know) through twin celestion vintage30 cab by Harley Benton. When I was lookin' for my amp, tried a lot of stuff the similar price worth and more expencive. Couldn't find something as good as my amp! As far as I know based on soldano SLO-100 schematics it's usefull for totaly all kind of music from clean-sound funk to jazz or blues, hard-rock(clean channel with crunch mode) to the very heaviest kind's of music (dirty channel). You can set a clean sound you need, putting there a different sets of russian (6N2P-EV and similar) or in whole world better known 12AX7, 12AT7, switch the cathod heating voltage between 6,3 or 12,6 volt mode, if you not happy with EQ (btw I doubt that too) - i'm sure, everyone will find his sound that way, whatever he needs. Dirty channel is usefull for all kind of overdriven sound situations, as I sad already, set a gain you need and play solo, modern hard-rock or heavy riffs, turn the gain using the volume pot on your guitar, or just picking different way or hardness - everything else is left for your own hand.dll - that's a faktor of the really good amp. You can have a dynamic you need in every mode. I like to play my unplugged el. guitar too. Plugged into the other amp I've tried, I feel like I loose my feeling of picking that way. Through my Ostap Custom I can practice unplugged guitar easily not carying about the dynamic, because it "hears" my guitar as I do practicing unplugged - never thought it's because of the amp until now. Few people, having the same amp said, it's not friendly to some overdrive/distortion pedals (don't really remember witch models), but I've never tried that, it's good for me as it is.

One more thing. Bought it, fooly hopin' to save my cheap guitar... This amp is to "fair" to do that. It shows all the bad sides of my guitar not hiding any of them... And now I need a new guitar...
« Последнее редактирование: Мая 13, 2009, 15:59:23 от albertas »

Оффлайн deim0s

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Re: Russian equipment
« Ответ #26 : Ноября 28, 2008, 14:01:26 »

Of course, OSTAP and AZG rules, but somethimes we plug russian guitars to amps... And it sounds!
For example Shamray (ups!)... I have Shamray strat with Fender SCN, and it is pretty nice.

What do you think about international brand "Shamray"?

Оффлайн GT-6

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Re: Russian equipment
« Ответ #27 : Декабря 04, 2008, 18:05:53 »

Оффлайн OMiCERON

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Re: Russian equipment
« Ответ #28 : Декабря 05, 2008, 18:25:23 »
From Russian equipment I have only yerasov gta-15 with 10" celestion c-10... Sound very sucks, but I have no permissions to play louder than 2watts, because my wife, my daughter and my neighbours don't like, when I'm playing loud. Also, I have no money to buy good cabinet(s) with amplifier...

Оффлайн aronAUX

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Re: Russian equipment
« Ответ #29 : Декабря 13, 2008, 22:50:29 »
Muhahahahaha....    jjote, potsany!  :D