BurstBuckersAs accurate a PAF tone as the '57 Classics provide, the BurstBucker takes things one step further by reproducing some of the inconsistencies that are credited with contributing a certain magic to original Gibson humbuckers from 1957-'62. Available in three output strengths, BurstBuckers are made with unpolished Alnico II magnets and unpotted coils that are wound to slightly different numbers of turns, like the originals. While using two mismatched coils depletes a humbucking pickup's noise-canceling abilities slightly, it also gives the pickup a little more edge—a sound that you could even say comes a little closer to singlecoil bite—than can be achieved with perfectly balanced coils.
The BurstBucker 1 is slightly underwound to achieve an output toward the lower-medium end of the PAF range, an output that brings it in just slightly below the '57 Classic. It is intended for either position, but offers added clarity mixed with vowel-like tone in the neck position, with the added bonus of good volume balance when paired with a BurstBucker 2 in the bridge position. The 2 has a slightly hotter output in the range of the '57 Classic, for more grind and sustain from the bridge position. Or, pair a BurstBucker 2 in the neck with a BurstBucker 3—the hottest of the trio—in the bridge, for a guitar that offers excellent balance and a vintage voice that is still accurate, but biased toward the hotter end of the PAF scale. All are available with gold-plated or German silver nickel-plated covers.
BurstBucker ProBased on the original BurstBuckers and available in two output strengths calibrated to match neck and bridge positions
(with outputs akin to those of the BurstBucker 1 and 2), the BurstBucker Pros employ Alnico V magnets for a little extra sting and punch, and feature wax-potted coils to combat potential squeal and microphony. Like the BurstBucker's they use two coils with unmatched windings to retain a little extra sonic edge in their "enhanced vintage" performance. They are available with gold-plated or German silver nickel-plated covers.
Tune in to Part 2 for a look at other pickups in the Gibson range, and check out this handy Pickup Guide for further information and comparison charts that provide a visual guide to the differences between units.
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