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на волне)бридже... (нажмите чтобы показать/спрятать)http://rgho.st/8NNWklz9Zhttp://www.yapfiles.ru/static/play.swf?st=aMDE3OTE3MTkt1e30&allowscriptaccess=always
Во! Сюда тож поставлю... в секту. Спецы ЛП, по звуку скажите чонить. (нажмите чтобы показать/спрятать)https://youtu.be/N1OiJ23dRxo
держите веселуху!.. https://www.gearnews.com/gibson-neon-modern-les-paul-axcess-custom-neon-80s-cool/... и добавил:бу-га-га!!.. покупайте новые гибсона.. Gibson is at it again and this time they are advertising their Les Paul Traditional 2018 model on their own website with a clearly pre-cracked headstock! Les Paul Traditional 2018 head breakYou really could not make it up. Gibson USA has (again!) advertised a brand new Les Paul Traditional 2018 model, this time it has a headstock that’s clearly cracked!After last month’s debacle with a damaged and chipped Les Paul being used in the company’s own marketing, they have done it again. If you look closely you can clearly see a massive crack across the bottom of the headstock on this Les Paul. I cannot understand how Gibson has let this happen again. With this kind of thing going on, it is no wonder they are having to sell their Memphis factory.The story broke over at thefretboard forum in the UK and it just goes to show how Gibson is really not taking much care of their own reputation these days. Yes, the back of the neck is dark, but you can clearly see a huge crack along the bottom of the headstock. It goes to show how weak that area can be with a Les Paul.Of course, it is not ideal for Gibson themselves to be using such a guitar to promote the brand…RRP – USD 2,639 and comes with a pre-broken headstock!
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