спасибо, почитал про Zoom G9.2tt - очень впечатляет по функционалу, а может кто-нибудь его слушал, и даже сравнивал с Воксом (по качеству звука)?
... и добавил:
И ещё вопрос : у Vox Tone Lab LE на задней панели есть два отверстия для регулировки двух подстроечных резисторов - за что они отвечают???
нашёл вот это на оф.сайте, но не совсем понял...
My question is about the three menu options that come up as a result of holding one of three arrows and the rename button while powering up the tonelab. One is for volume pedal bias, one is for tube bias (for these you have to unplug everything but the power) and use the screws located on the back. Volume is the screw closest to the power button and the screw furthest from the power is to bias the tube. Biasing the tube will instantly make the tonelab le sing for you. The other is unknown but it changes the entire tonal make-up of the unit. It has a digital read out of 61 - 67. I believe this changes the class of the entire unit. Looks like rectifier, duel rectifier, class a, class ab ect... Any input would be great.