Я так и не услышал доказательств. Схемотехнических. Вопли толпы про аналог меня не убедят, только факты.
да зачем убеждать...просто вроде любой более-менее опытный гитарист знает, что Memory Man -аналоговый дилей. Для меня Analog Delay = Memory Man...и никаких сомнений нет уже лет 10...после того как впервые глянул на аппарат Edge из U2 и прочитал в нете про Memory Man...
Я не пользуюсь программами-переводчиками ибо сам по совместительству переводчик, дорогой Ватсон
И с технической документацией знаком не понаслышке.
Вот они-то, в отличие от народа, который схавал, всё очень предусмотрительно написали.
Тут, дорогой Ватсон, Вы дали большого маху. Вы бы тему прочитали, кто что слушал, покупал и кто о чём спрашивал. Это не ко мне, а к автору топика.
Вот уж верно, нужно действительно знать о чём писать и кому писать. Перечитай топик и разберись.
Еслим докажешь схемотехнически, что Делюкс Мемори Мен аналог, я заберу слова обратно. Я не стебусь, если ты так уверен в своём мнении, обоснуй его. Если ты как минимум найдёшь ошибку в моём переводе - с меня бутылка. Я серьёзно 
Я уверен в своем мнении...просто потому-что есть много знающих людей, которые всегда готовы поделиться своими знаниями...например Mike Piera он же Analog Man...если б, ты действительно хотел узнать аналоговый ли Memory Man или цифра, то в первой пятерке ссылок google нашел бы вот эту его статью...надеюсь этого достаточно для доказательства

Приятного чтения и Нового Года!!!
Analog Delay Chips
I have heard that the chips in Analog Delays are no longer available. What's up with that?
That is true, Panasonic was making them until about 1999, now they are all discontinued. Panasonic told me that the BBD (Bucket brigade) chips were originally made for use in their own products - fake reverb and echo in TV sets and other audio products like karaoke. Matsushita owns/makes Panasonic and hundreds of other brands. Now that they are using digital in all their products they no longer need the analog chips, and the other companies who were buying them do not buy enough to make it feasable to keep production going. These chips use about a thousand capacitors (i.e. 1024 in an SAD1024 or MN3007) and electronic switches in each one to pass the analog signal value through the "bucket brigade". Not high tech but a very specialized part. There are some Chinese low voltage BBD chips being made now and used in some of the cheap Chinese pedals and most boutique analog delays. They work but not sure yet how reliable they are. They don't have the very long delay time chips yet, so you have to use a lot of these chips to get a good delay time. The best tones are obtained using the lowest number of chips. EH is still using the old chips as they found the new Chinese chips not quite as good.
What is a good Analog Delay?
What analog delay should I buy?
There are two new analog delays I like now, the Maxon AD9 and the EH Deluxe Memory man. We sell both. They both sound great but the features are quite different, and the sound is a little different too. There is a new Ibanez AD-9 out now too but it's not as good as the old Ibanez AD-9 or the Maxon AD-9 (see my Ibanez page Maxon section for more info).
The AD9 and most Japanese analog delays are tuned for less noise, they chop off a lot of high end to reduce noise. So they are very warm and deep sounding but repeats of very high notes may be a little weak. The AD9 is similar to the old Boss DM-2 and even more similar to the DM-3 pedals. The EH has more high end and a little more white noise. But they both have filters that stop the noise when you stop playing.
The EH has a slightly longer delay time, maybe 400mS instead of the 300mS that the AD9 has. That's about 3 repeats per second. The deluxe memory man can get 100% wet (all delay) while the maxon and other Japanese Analog Delays will not. (If you listened to the 100% wet sound you would hear how dull the Japanese pedals' delays are). The DMM also has a modulation knob, a little of that blended in makes it sound very cool and natural. The Chorus setting is a slow modulation, vibrato is a faster modulation. The EH also has an input level control and an indicator LED to show if you are overloading it. So it will work with a pretty wide range of input levels.
The AD9 is a small box and can run off batteries or a standard Boss type 9V adaptor. The EH is larger and uses a special 24V adaptor.
So you should be able to choose one based on the features and sound you need. See my Ibanez/Maxon page and EH page for more info on these.
Deluxe Memory Man info
The Japanese Panasonic MN30XX chips are the best ever made, a little better than the more recent (but also discontinued) Japanese MN32XX chips in the DM3, AD9 etc. and much better than the BL32XX Chinese chips. These MN chips are all discontinued, only the BL Chinese chips are still made. Don't know how much longer EH will be able to make the memory man with the good old Japanese chips
3X05 = about 4000 delay stages, 3X08 = 2000 stages, 3X07 = 1000 stages.
In about early 2006 the DMM changed to relay true bypass switching, and four MN3008 chips instead of two MN3005 chips. The new DMM has (4 * 2000 = 8000 stages), The older one had (2 * 4000 = same 8000 stages) for the same delay time.
4000 stages is good for about 300mS at reasonable quality (AD9 etc) or 200mS at high quality (DMM).
1000 stages is more than enough for a chorus (we use new old stock MN3007 chips in our chorus). There were also 512 stage chips used fo chorus and flangers (best for a flanger).
To check if it the new version with the relay, turn it on and play, so you are hearing the delays (effect on). Then unplug the power from the back of the DMM. If it turns off and you hear your normal guitar sound, then it has a relay. If you hear nothing then you don't have the relay. You can also tell as the stomp switch only has two wires on it if you have the relay.
I guess they ran out of the MN3005 chips. Theoretically, the less delay chips you have, each with higher number of memory positions to add up to the same amount of memory, the better the sound. But in reality there is little sound difference between two 3005 chips and four 3008 chips. But there are twice as many calibration points to dial in if you have 4 chips. Some delays have EIGHT CHIPS (ad999?) that must be a nightmare to calibrate...
We can install four MN3005 chips on the newer model Deluxe Memory Man to double the delay time to about 800mS. But it's a VERY expensive mod as the chips are about $100 and about the same for our labor in calibration. And after this mod the pedal can no longer be used as just a chorus as the short delay times are now too long for a normal sounding chorus pedal.
Memory Man op-amp IC chip upgrades
There are a few web sites and posts about improving the sound of an EH deluxe memory man, by replacing the normal 4558 op amps with some high tech chips. The noise and tone in a memory man comes from the BBD chips, not the op amps. The BBD chips have about 10,000 times more noise, and very low fidelity. That is normal in an analog delay and nothing can be done about that, it's why people love their sounds. So replacing the op amps will have little benefit, or so I thought.
After writing the above I got some new DMM pedals, they are now using ST electronics MC4558CN dual op amp chips. I replaced all five of these chips while I was in there (those knobs are a pain to remove) with new Texas Instruments TL072 chips.
Dry sound when playing clean - it is improved. Put the mix to pure DRY (no echo) and the tone when playing clean is a little purer. I was surprised.
ECHO SOUND: also clearer when you listen to 100% delayed sound, much clearer and closer to a digital delay sort of tone. Seems to be more difference at lower delay times.
When I turn up the MIX for about 50% delay I tested for noise by playing a low string gently. The modified pedal is a bit noisier, may be a unit to unit discrepancy or could be the TL072 chips allow more high end through which contains the noise.
OVERDRIVEN sound : running a good OD pedal into the DMMs, with the gain knob set for unity gain (LED just glowing) the sound of the stock one seems a little warmer to me, both dry and echo sounds. But the modified one is clearer again.
DISTORTION : Running a good distortion pedal into the units, the modified one is clearer, the repeats are almost too clear. The stock one has repeats which are darker and more in the background. At this point in the test I brought out a '59 reissue Les Paul with burstbuckers 1 and 2 and played through the Maxon SD9/808/silver, into the DMM into a '66 blackface Deluxe Reverb plugged into a '73 Marshall 4x12 cabinet and just played for 45 minutes as it was a MAGIC combination! Gilmour, Hackett, Page sounds were flowing... best tones I ever got for leads.
Anyway, the difference with changing the op amps is more than I thought it would be. But not sure whether I like it enough to go through the hassle of pulling the board out... depends on what you want, clarity or a warm background echo. Most people will prefer the upgraded op amps I think. Also the new 2006 pedals do not use sockets so the chips need to be desoldered, a lot more work. These are the EC2002_REV_E boards which use four MN3008 chips and a relay to switch the pedal on and off. You can test for this one by turning it on, playing, then unplug the power jack. If it turns off (you get normal OFF sound) then it has a relay and is the new version.