А вчера пришло письмо от гитариста из какой то известной группы - ему Асидак

Hello Yerasov!
My name is Staffan and I play the guitar with Paul DiAnno from Iron Maiden. Last year we did a major tour
in Russia and Ukraine and this autumn we are touring Russia and Ukraine again (see tour schedule at
www.pauldianno.com). When we played in Sochi a music store gave me the Yerasov GT-2 and it sounded absolutely
fantastic. I gave away my Boss OD-3 and used the GT-2 for the rest of the tour and have been ever since. I know it is
copy from Tech 21 and Behinger is making one as well but the fact remains that yours actually sounds better and it
looks cooler and fits better in a pedalboard...
Так что на вкус и цвет...