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Carvin CM-140?
« : Июля 20, 2010, 23:49:05 »
Кто нибудь-сталкивался с гитарой Carvin CM-140? Буду благодарен любым отзывам...

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Оффлайн Sergio2005

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Re: Carvin CM-140?
« Ответ #1 : Июля 21, 2010, 00:56:33 »
нашел только 2 отзыва на Harmony Central (извини, без перевода):
This guitar is a couple of pounds heavier than my other guitars, indicating quality hardwood. It is a Les Paul body type, 22-poll humbuckers (each post is height adjustable),the entire height of the humbuckers is also adjustable.  Ebony fretboard like the high end Gibsons with block inlays as well as beautiful inlays on the head stock. The tuners, bridge and stop piece are by Schaller. The bridge is height adjustable by loosing the strings and turning the thumb screws. The neck has a brass nut, 24 frets (medium jumbo), and is a neck through body design with no 'heal'. It is wired for either stereo or mono, has a three position toggle pickup selector, and three separate switches to split the coils and put them out of phase. it has a raised pick multi-ply pick guard and all the metal is gold. Two volume and one tone knob. Made in 1980 and retailed for around $480 with Carvin hard shell case.
Action, Fit, & Finish:
It is flawless and plays as good as anything I have, if not better.
Sound Quality:
This guitar can produce about pretty much any sound for any style. I muddied up the sound once by changing the set up and raising the pickups while lowering the strings. That was a mistake and I realized that I needed a hotter amp, not hotter pickups. It will get as close to a strat sound as you can get without a strat. I play metal and blues mostly from the 70's. I play it through a Peavy Classic 30, a Roland JC-50 (Jazz Chorus), and a Fender Blues Deville. Or any two amp combination since it is wired for stereo. About the only effect I use anymore is an occassional Ibenez tube screamer. This guitar will sustain a note way longer than most due to the neck through body design coupled with a fixed bridge and heavy hardwood. It has great tone from bottom to top and the bass strings are full, rich and clear. And it will scream. And everything in between.
It is 30 years old and hasn't missed a lick. Very reliable and dependable. I hope to one day find a Carvin strat-style guitar at a good price. I would jump on it.
Ease of Use:
Customer Support:
I bought it used and didn't know what all the bells and whistles were for. Emailed a picture to Carvin, and they gave me all the info I needed. They told me it was worth about $250. (10 or 15 years ago) I wouldn't take $800 for it. All the components are top of the line.
Overall Rating:
I've been playing for 30 years. I own two Fender American Made stratocasters-Californis Series, and a G&L Legacy. I was not in the market for a guitar when I played this one in a pawn shop. It was so clearly a high-end product at a low-end price, buying it was a no brainer. I love the the neck-thru-body heal-less design. I guess the only thing I would change is the block inlays. They are beautiful and showy, but ebony is such a good fretboard material it is a shame to route out so much of it. Abalone and Mother of Pearl are slick like maple and a string can slip out from under your finger during extreme bends with vibrato. This is a minor thing, but I had to try and find at least one thing critical to say. The weight is noticeably heavy, but that is a positive for tone/sustain.

Made in the early '80's, good old USA manufacture, and the quality shows.  Solid maple, neck through construction  make this a tone monster! The usual 2v 2t set up with coil tap, phase and parallel switch, along with pickup selector, all hooked to 2 Carvin M-22 humbuckers. It's wired stereo to boot! Mine is a black lacquer finish, with Tune-O-Matic bridge and stop tailpiece.  Fastest neck I have ever played, including my Hagstrom and PRS!
Action, Fit, & Finish:
This guitar is approximately 30 years old, and it's quality still shines through.  It has it's share of battle scars, byt the fit and finish is still second to none.
Sound Quality:
I'm a jazz player, and I do some 60's and early 70's stuff;  this axe fits both bills perfectly.  I usually play it through a Crate GX-35 with a little bit of reverb and chorus, and I use an RP-100 modelling pedal. The sound varies from a mellow rumble to ear bleeding wail witht he flick of the wrist. It will outplay any LP I have ever seen, and it will run the gamut from old Strat through clasic Gibson and Mosrite sound to today's power sound.
I suspect this guitar has seen more than a few smoke filled bars in it's day, and if ti doesn't stand up to gigging, nothing ever will. It's still in excellent condition after all these years and the electronics are still outstanding.
Ease of Use:
Customer Support:
I had to replace the phase switch recently (I snapped the stem off) and Carvin was extremely helpful and easy to deal with.
Overall Rating:
I have played guitar on and off since the early 60's, and I currently have quite a stable;  PRS (2), Gibson (3), Fender (2), Rickenbacker (1), Epiphone (2), DiPinto (1), Yamaha (1) and Takamine (1) and this Carvin is the one I keep coming back to time after time.  If it was lost or stolen, I'd pay what I had to to get another one, trust me!  Carvin should bring this one back!

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« Последнее редактирование: Июля 21, 2010, 00:59:34 от Sergio2005 »

Оффлайн Shade

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Re: Carvin CM-140?
« Ответ #2 : Июля 21, 2010, 12:33:35 »

Оффлайн marius

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Re: Carvin CM-140?
« Ответ #3 : Июля 21, 2010, 12:56:13 »
что бы это значило? :)

Оффлайн sutach

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Re: Carvin CM-140?
« Ответ #4 : Июля 21, 2010, 13:24:12 »
у меня cm130 вроде бы)
кленовый целиком, накладка эбони, 2 хамба, 4 крутилки, 2 щелкалки отсечки и щелкалка на фазу, но бридж schaller с микроподстройкой. Я вообще таких бриджей у них в каталоге не видел, а остальное как см130
гитара хорошая, удобная
гриф тонкий и клевый вообще, пятки нету, доступ к высоким ладам хороший
да и сама она не толстая совсем, как суперстраты примерно
выглядит очень простенько, но звучит отменно что на чистом, что с перегрузом
на отсечках чистый вообще   отпад
друг с телеком заходил - этот карвин ну очень понравился ему
да, она хоть и выглядит как лп, но звучит совсем иначе

хотя вроде есть модель из коа - она наверное поближе к лп

Оффлайн Shade

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Re: Carvin CM-140?
« Ответ #5 : Июля 21, 2010, 13:43:08 »
что бы это значило? :)
внешний вид :7: