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Re: Dean Codillac
« Ответ #30 : Июня 17, 2009, 10:42:06 »
а я бы дин кадилак взял :) американца
У нас в городе у одного товарища был какое то время Американский Дин Экзотик Хардтэйл!
P.S.  :D чё у тебя с котом происходит?))))

Оффлайн Intimidator

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Re: Dean Codillac
« Ответ #31 : Июня 17, 2009, 10:44:03 »
Deoniz, мутации :)  и куда он его дел? хоть бу просто пощюпать, а то вдруг еще более не удобный чем лес пол

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Re: Dean Codillac
« Ответ #32 : Июня 17, 2009, 10:45:23 »
Deoniz, мутации :)  и куда он его дел? хоть бу просто пощюпать, а то вдруг еще более не удобный чем лес пол
Поменял на две гитары... пониже стоимостью

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Re: Dean Codillac
« Ответ #33 : Июня 17, 2009, 12:46:54 »
stillive, тогда у мя хамера не было )

Intimidator, я тож америку хочу... http://www.gbase.com/Stores/Gear/GearDetails.aspx?Item=2102899# вот предложили вариант, буду наверн к середине лета такой искать тогда. больше 1400$ наверн не найду

... и добавил:

Кстати Кот твой прям душу запал) то погладь, то переверни, теперь покрась )))

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auto, http://www.deanguitars.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=11&sid=96f390096f72005554c0891e9f68d8d5 этот раздел курить? я в английском не особо силен мне там немного сложн ориентироваться пока.

... и добавил:

« Последнее редактирование: Июня 17, 2009, 21:07:47 от ProtoN »

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Re: Dean Codillac
« Ответ #34 : Июня 20, 2009, 00:28:55 »
ProtoN, Ага, этот  ;)

Оффлайн Beerlover

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Re: Dean Codillac
« Ответ #35 : Июня 20, 2009, 07:42:03 »
Сегодня за полторы могу продать старый дин кадиллак, '79 года, точнее он тогда ещё кадиллаком не назывался.
За ремонт надо расплатиться, а всю наличку менты выгребли. Хорошо какаято поклонница на какой-то большой белой машине вчера до дома хоть довезла.

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Re: Dean Codillac
« Ответ #36 : Июня 20, 2009, 14:47:37 »
Beerlover, денег нет, будут ближе к концу лета, я пока интересуюсь чтоб быть хоть как то просвященнымо этих гитарах. ???

Оффлайн Beerlover

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Re: Dean Codillac
« Ответ #37 : Июня 20, 2009, 14:54:34 »
Тогда лови:

The body design looks like a cross between a Les Paul and an Explorer with the rounded lower bout and Explorer-ish treble horn. The Cadillac version originally featured three pickups (versus the E'lite's two) but now the Cadillac name designates the body style.
The Cadillac series recently released the 25th Anniversary Cadillac at a retail of $2,899. There are other Cadillac models as well. Since these are sold individually between different dealers accurate pricing is yet to develop on most of these.
- single horn cutaway round bottom bound mahogany body, mahogany neck, 22-fret bound ebony fingerboard with pearl block inlay, tune-o-matic bridge/stop tailpiece, blackface peghead with logo, 3-per-side tuners, gold hardware, 3 humbucker pickups, 2 volume/2 tone controls, 3-position switch, available in Braziliaburst, Caine White, Cherry, Cherryburst, Opaque Black, or Walnut finishes, mfg. 1979-1985.
Last MSR was $1,600.
This model had optional 2 humbucker pickups.
- single horn cutaway hardwood body, bound figured maple top, through-body mahogany neck, 24-fret bound rosewood fingerboard with pearl block inlay, tune-o-matic bridge/stop tailpiece, bound rosewood veneered peghead with screened logo, 3-per-side tuners, gold hardware, 2 covered humbucker pickups, 2 volume/2 tone controls, 3-position switch, available in Cherry Sunburst, Natural, Trans. Blue and Trans. Red finishes, mfg. 1992-94.
Grading   100%
Last MSR was $790.
The Reissue models were produced in Korea.
- single horn cutaway round bottom mahogany body, bound arched mahogany top, set-in mahogany neck, 22-fret bound ebony fingerboard with pearl dot inlay, tune-o-matic bridge/stop tailpiece, bound V-shape peghead with screened logo, 3-per-side tuners, chrome hardware, 2 exposed Seymour Duncan humbuckers, 2 volume/2 tone controls, 3-position switch, available in Classic Black, Classic Red, Torrid Teal, and Wine Red finishes, mfg. 1996-97.
Last MSR was $1,650.
Add $100 for flame maple top, mahogany body, available in Flame Black, Flame Blue, Flame Braziliaburst, Flame Cherry, Flame Cherry Sunburst, Flame Green, Flame Purple, Flame Teal, and Flame Vintage Sunburst finishes. Add $125 for gold hardware and covered Seymour Duncan humbuckers (Model Cadillac DX GH).
- similar to the Cadillac Deluxe, except has a flat (non-arched) alder top, alder body, rosewood fingerboard, mfg. 1996-97.
Last MSR was $875.
Add $20 for flame maple top, alder body, available in Flame Black, Flame Blue, Flame Braziliaburst, Flame Cherry, Flame Cherry Sunburst, Flame Green, Flame Purple, Flame Teal, and Flame Vintage Sunburst finishes. Add $125 for gold hardware and covered Seymour Duncan humbuckers (Model Cadillac ST GH).
- single horn cutaway round bottom mahogany body, arched top, set-in mahogany neck, 22-fret ebony fingerboard with pearl dot inlay, tune-o-matic bridge/stop tailpiece, V-shape peghead with screened logo, 3-per-side Grover tuners, chrome hardware, 2 Seymour Duncan humbuckers, 2 volume/2 tone controls, 3-position switch, available in Braziliaburst, Cherry Sunburst, Classic Black, Trans. Blue, or Trans. Candy Red finishes, mfg. 1997-98.
Grading   100%
Last MSR was $1,399.
   Cadillac Flame (USA Custom Shop)
- similar to the Cadillac Arch, except has arched flame maple top, wood body binding, available in Trans. Amber, Trans. Black, Trans. Blue, Trans. Candy Red, Trans. Green, Trans. Power Purple, or Trans. Root Beer finishes, mfg. 1997-1998.
Last MSR was $1,899.
   Cadillac Ultima (USA Custom Shop)
- similar to the Cadillac Flame, except has bound body/neck/peghead, block fingerboard inlays, gold hardware, mfg. 1997-99.
Grading   100%
Last MSR was $2,649.
- similar to the Cadillac Arch, except has flat (non-arched) mahogany body, available in Brite Blue, Canary Yellow, Cherry Sunburst, Classic Black, and Lipstick Red solid finishes, mfg. 1997-98.
Grading   100%
Last MSR was $1,599.
   Korina Cadillac (U.S. Mfg.)
- similar to the Cadillac Arch, except has flat (non-arched) korina body, available in Braziliaburst, Cherry Sunburst, Gloss Natural, Trans. Amber, or Trans. Red high gloss finishes, mfg. 1997-98.
Last MSR was $1,899.
- similar to the Cadillac Arch, except has flat (non-arched) mahogany body, bound body/fingerboard/headstock, gold hardware, available in Braziliaburst, Cherry Sunburst, Classic Black, Trans. Blue, or Trans. Candy Red finishes, mfg. 1997-98.
Last MSR was $1,899.
   Cadillac LTD 3
- similar to the Cadillac LTD, except has 3 Seymour Duncan humbuckers, custom fingerboard inlay, mfg. 1997-98.
Last MSR was $1,899.
- similar to the Cadillac Arch, except has flat (non-arched) hardwood body, bolt-on maple neck, 22-fret rosewood fingerboard with dot inlays, fixed bridge, available in Classic Black, Classic Red, and Vintage Sunburst finishes, mfg. 1997-98.
Last MSR was $349.
- single horn cutaway round bottom basswood body, bolt-on maple neck, 22-fret rosewood fingerboard with dot inlays, tune-o-matic bridge/stop tailpiece, large V-shape peghead with screened logo, 3-per-side Grover tuners, chrome hardware,two "Zebra" humbuckers,two volume and twotone controls, three-position switch, available in Classic Black, Trans. Braziliaburst (disc.), Trans. Blue (disc.), or Trans. Red (disc.) finish, mfg. 1997-present.
Add $20 for left-handed configuration (Model DGK-CADIXL, disc.), available in Classic Black or Trans. Red finish.
- similar to the Cadillac X, except has mahogany body, set-in mahogany neck, available in Classic Black, Trans. Blue, Trans. Braziliaburst, or Trans. Red finishes, mfg. 1998-99.
Last MSR was $599.
- similar to the Cadillac X, except has mahogany body, triple bound arched flame maple top, set-in mahogany neck, triple bound headstock, block fingerboard inlays, gold hardware, available in Flame Amberburst (disc.), Flame Black (disc.), Flame Cherry Sunburst (disc.), Flame Purple (disc.), Flame Red (disc.), Tiger Eye, Trans. Amberburst, or Trans. Cherry Sunburst finish, mfg. 1998-present.
- similar to the Cadillac X, except has mahogany body, set-in mahogany neck, bound body/fingerboard/headstock, fingerboard block inlays, 3 covered humbuckers, gold hardware, available in Cherry Sunburst, Classic Black, or Trans. Red finishes, mfg. 1997-99.
Last MSR was $699.
Earlier models may have 3 "Zebra" humbuckers, or a Metallic Red finish.
- single horn cutaway round bottom mahogany body, arched flame top, set-in mahogany neck, 22-fret rosewood fingerboard with pearl block inlay, tune-o-matic bridge/stop tailpiece, large V-shape peghead with screened logo, 3-per-side Schaller tuners, chrome hardware, 2 "Zebra" humbuckers, 2 volume/2 tone controls, 3-position switch, available in Flame Amber, Flame Blue, Flame Green, Flame Red, 24K Gold Sparkle, Ruby Sparkle, or Silver Sparkle finishes, mfg. 1998-99.
Last MSR was $1,099.
This model was produced in Europe.
   European Premium Cadillac Premium Ultima (DGE-PR-CU)
- similar to the Cadillac Ultima European Custom, except features highly figured maple top, celluloid bound body/neck/headstock, gold hardware, 2 Seymour Duncan humbuckers, available in Flame Amber, Flame Amberburst, Flame Black, Flame Blue, Flame Cherry Sunburst, Flame Green, Flame Purple, or Flame Red finishes, disc.
Last MSR was $1,299.
This model was manufactured in Europe.
- Cadillac body style, mahogany body, mahogany set-neck, 22-fret rosewood fingerboard with dot inlay, traditional Dean headstock with three-per-side tuners, hardtail bridge, two humbucker pickups, four knobs, three-way switch, chrome hardware, available in Dark Cherry, Natural, Rosewood, Trans. Braziliburst, Trans. Cherry Sunburst, or Walnut finish, mfg. 2004-present.
Add 20% for left-handed configuration. Add 30% for Pearl or Metallic finish.
- single horn cutaway round bottom mahogany body, bound carved figured maple top, through-body mahogany neck, 22-fret bound ebony fingerboard with pearl dot inlay, Schaller tune-o-matic bridge/stop tailpiece, bound V-shape peghead with screened logo, 3-per-side tuners, chrome hardware, 3 exposed humbucker pickups, 2 volume/2 tone controls, 3-position switch, available in Cherry Sunburst, Natural, Trans. Blue, or Trans. Red finishes, mfg. 1992-93.
Last MSR was $1,600.
The U.S.A. series were produced in Northern California.
- reissue of 1980 Dean Cadillac, mahogany body, set mahogany neck, fully bound B/N/H, 22-fret rosewood fingerboard with pearl block inlay, traditional V-shaped headstock with three-per-side tuners, tune-o-matic bridge, stop tailpiece, two covered humbucker pickups, four knobs (two v, two tone), three-way switch, gold hardware, available in Classic Black finish, mfg. 2006-present.

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Re: Dean Codillac
« Ответ #38 : Июня 20, 2009, 17:39:02 »
- reissue of 1980 Dean Cadillac, mahogany body, set mahogany neck, fully bound B/N/H, 22-fret rosewood fingerboard with pearl block inlay, traditional V-shaped headstock with three-per-side tuners, tune-o-matic bridge, stop tailpiece, two covered humbucker pickups, four knobs (two v, two tone), three-way switch, gold hardware, available in Classic Black finish, mfg. 2006-present.

Относится к made in U.S.A. ? или я  что то недопонял, ведь в конце usa идут ...  ???

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Re: Dean Codillac
« Ответ #39 : Июня 21, 2009, 12:39:23 »
1980 - корея, это что-то рядом с серией select

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Re: Dean Codillac
« Ответ #40 : Июня 21, 2009, 15:07:28 »
и еще вопрос, почему в этой "классификации" нет time capsule usa ...  ???

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Re: Dean Codillac
« Ответ #41 : Июля 07, 2009, 21:43:05 »
Бтв, сейчас на ебее висит офигенный TC 2003 года за 1300$  :777:

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Re: Dean Codillac
« Ответ #42 : Июля 08, 2009, 01:18:27 »
ссылку кинь хочу заценить

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Re: Dean Codillac
« Ответ #44 : Июля 08, 2009, 13:08:07 »
блиииин крутая штука (