Брэдли этот, тоже дятел тот еще. В общем то не то, чтобы он сам виноват, но блин, фотографии он видел, а на них все косяки, которые он сейчас предъявляет Шамраю(кроме ладов) были явно видны. А он вместо того, чтобы сразу вмешаться, еще и нахваливал их:

My Axe is not being made on a CNC machine period, The Russian Custom
Shop I'm dealing with only makes Hand crafted top Quality
instruments and is the 2nd best Custom Shop in and around all of
Europe (Ran Guitars being the first best of course).
The only reason Shamray rates 2nd to Ran Guitars is the simple fact that Shamray isn't as widely known as Ran Guitars.
Shamray really is a very professional Custom Shop that does extremely top notch quality (HAND CRAFTED) work, when it comes to the actual quality of each Shamray Guitar they have the same crafted top notch quality as any Ran Guitar out there, I can guarantee you that.
Ain't that head stock beautiful! The neck it self is still over-sized & un-carved/crafted (*hand crafted*).
The back bevel is not 100% the same as the Original Burnt Black Washburn 3ST's back bevel. They have carved & painted the back bevel to more accurately match the front bevel (unlike the original Washburn version). I'm glad it was carved that way. It looks like it provides a neck heel that will be more comfortable to play when I think about it.
Right now its in the paint room entirely covered in a polishing
compound. That's why it looks so dirty. I'll have much more to
report in a few days hopefully.