zav, Ну он там и задвинул, прямо исповедь в описании

As I said, this is not my guitar.
I do not want to mislead anyone by selling something this isn't, and I certainly don't want to lose the trust that I've worked so hard to get here.
I have had a couple people tell me that this is a
and the giveaway is the rosewood fretboard instead of ebony,
and a few minor cosmetic differences that only a trained eye can see.
That being said, the owner of this guitar also owns a 1963 Gibson Les Paul worth about $5k and only a true connoisseur would be able to tell them apart. They both played exactly the same, looked, felt, and weight was identical.
It does not change the fact that this guitar has 1970's Gibson USA made Dirty Fingers pickups
This guitar was licensed by Gibson and made overseas to exact Gibson Les Paul specs with the same wood, only cheaper labor, so,
no matter how you slice it,
it is still a Gibson.
The irony, is that it is a Gibson clone made by Gibson.
The world just gets weirder ...