Автор Тема: Настройка грифа у Gibson LP  (Прочитано 15969 раз)

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Re: Настройка грифа у Gibson LP
« Ответ #15 : Марта 12, 2009, 00:20:44 »
Цитирую Fret Noise: "Для проверки прижми струну к грифу на первом и на последнем ладах".
Не совсем так, лучше на первом и том ладу, где гриф примыкает к корпусу.
На практике для LP со струнами 10-52 и средней активности удара по струнам зазор в районе 7-го лада выставляю примерно в толщину первой струны для первой же струны (при условии, что гриф не имеет фефектов вроде "горбов", "винтов" и прочей нечисти), а для 6-й в полтора-два раза больше (тут уже регулируется высотой бриджа).

Проверил. Примерно так оно и есть. Правда струны 10-46. Есть смысл поставить потолще?

Оффлайн NeCaster

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Re: Настройка грифа у Gibson LP
« Ответ #16 : Марта 12, 2009, 08:59:02 »
Не торопись с заменойю Поиграй, поощущай... Если все устраивает - ставь следующий комплект тоже 10-ки (по умолчанию на LP так и ставят). Что-то не устривает - меняй калибр в ту или другую сторону, но будь готов к тому, что (возможно!!) после смены калибра струн придется слегка крутнуть анкер в ту или иную сторону.

Оффлайн Rocco_II

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Re: Настройка грифа у Gibson LP
« Ответ #17 : Марта 12, 2009, 09:32:02 »
Neck bow - 0.010" measured at midpoint between frets 1 and 17 on G string.
12th fret action - High E 0.040", Low E 0.055"
1st Fret action, Low string to high string - 0.020", 0.016", 0.013", 0.020", 0.018", 0.016".

If the frets are level you can get to that without excessive fret buzz or choking, but they're often not that level.

Worth messing around with stop bar height to see what suits you, and what suits your guitar. I've got one that likes the stop bar screwed right down, and 2 that don't. Weird, eh?

My setup method goes something like:

1. Clean and restring being very careful not to kink new strings.
2. Tune to pitch.
3. Check/adjust neck bow.
4. Tune to pitch
5. Set action at 12th fret using height adjusters.
6. Tune to pitch
7. Play every string on every fret (luthiers do this faster than Yngwie Malmsteen would play it, they do it a lot) listening for buzzes. Bend in all your favourite place
to check for "choking".

At this point, with a guitar I'm not familiar with I sometimes loop around steps 3 to 7 a bit just to find where it works best. Strats, Les Pauls and Teles I generally
know what kind of neck bow I need and how low the action is likely to go.

8. Set intonation at 12th fret using intonation screws. You need a really accurate tuner for this. The only cheap fairly accurate tuner around AFAIK is the
Korg CA-30 (or GA-30). You need to tune to plus/minus 1 cent at worst really.
9. Tune to pitch (I do this a lot, don't I!)

10. Check/set action at first fret (laugh a minute, sweat profusely while filing nut, swear if I go too far). I also lube the nut slots at this point.

Never used to work to measurements, but it saves so much time if you know what you're aiming for. Set of feeler gauges is absolutely invaluable.



Many thanks for the information chaps, very helpful indeed.
I noticed that in the Gibson Backstage Pass August 2006 Issue 2 recommended that during the setup process, for the abr-1 bridge, the tailpiece should be flush to
 the guitar body. When I changed my strings for the first time I intended to do this (the low-E side of the tailpiece is perhaps 1.5mm above flush, the high-E side
 is pretty much there). I tried, using a coin, to screw down the tailpiece. The tailpiece screws felt very tight so I was wary of doing damage to or stripping a
thread - I'm not sure how the tailpiece is threaded. I'm sure it is just a simple case of cranking the tailpiece down, but I am a little paranoid as it's such a
 beautiful instrument (not to mention an expensive one) that I'm working with. So, is it just a case of beating the resistance and screwing the tailpiece down to the body?
Also, if anyone has any detailed pictures of the tailpiece screws out of the body that would be interesting. Oh, I used the top wrap stringing method.

Best regards all,



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