У Димарцио вышел в 2009 году новый датчик. Может я поздно заметил, но вроде недавно вышел. Т.к. много играю на кранче, то интерес к датчику сами понимаете, неподдельный. Предлагаю писать сюда о нем, если у кого уже имелся тет-а-тет с ним, прошу не стесняться. Кстати, этими датчиками комплектуется именная модель ММ Петруччи. Вот англицкий ревю:
One thing has stayed consistent throughout John Petrucci’s long and successful career: the DiMarzio® pickups in his guitars. John has been pushing the envelope of progressive metal since the late eighties, and the new DiMarzio® Crunch Lab™ Bridge Model ensued from our most recent collaboration with John. He used it throughout Dream Theater’s tenth studio album, "Black Clouds & Silver Linings".
John swears this is the best live and studio sound he has ever had, and the name says it all - "crunch" is what it’s all about with a big, tight sound that’s neither muddy nor thin.
Recommended For: Bridge
Tech Talk: The Crunch Lab™ is noteworthy (bad pun alert!) for what it doesn’t do - it’s not a screamer, and it’s not about thundering lows. Its physical appearance is identical to the D Sonic™, but the internal design is a lot different. It’s louder, and the highs have more depth. The lows and mids are more open, and this is crucial for playing chords with body and presence through a gained-out amp. The voicing of the pickup is also different enough to the point that John prefers the Crunch Lab™ to be installed in almost all of his guitars (including the JP Bari) with the solid bar toward the neck, regardless of the guitar’s tuning.
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О как! Сюда же обсуждение нового датчика LiquiFire DP227
One thing has stayed consistent throughout John Petrucci’s long and successful career: the DiMarzio® pickups in his guitars. John has been pushing the envelope of progressive metal since the late eighties, and the DiMarzio® LiquiFire™ Neck Model resulted from our most recent collaboration with John. He used it throughout Dream Theater’s tenth studio album, "Black Clouds & Silver Linings".
John swears this is the best live and studio sound he has ever had. He wanted a neck pickup with a flowing, singing solo tone when used with a heavily overdriven amp and a clear chord sound with a clean amp setting.
Recommended For: Neck. Can also be used in bridge position.
Tech Talk: Since the mid 1990s, John’s neck pickup sound has been based on either the standard Air Norton™ or the custom version in his Ernie Ball® guitars. The LiquiFire™ has several significant differences. Its treble response is warmer and smoother while bass response is tighter and brighter. The total sound has a more focused voice which works equally well for highly overdriven solos and complex, clean chords.