Автор Тема: Destruction - Sing of Fear (Demo)  (Прочитано 99 раз)

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Оффлайн Marsel Schmier Автор темы

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Destruction - Sing of Fear (Demo)
« : Января 18, 2025, 08:41:43 »
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Destruction - Sign Of Fear (1987)

Gettin' scared by every chance to love
Look careful which people you meet!
Almost being caught when you cheat
Why do people call it sign of the gods?
Sign of fear - ungracious condemnation
Sign of fear - ungracious condemnation
Sign of fear...

It's getting on a bigger stage
Spreading like the black pest
When you've realized it, there's no time left
No way to pass through
Sign of fear - ungracious condemnation
Sign of fear - ungracious condemnation
Sign of fear...

Unfair punishment of free lifestyle?
Will we return to the middle-ages?
You'll get distrustful of your friends
Carelessness and indifference will lead to death
Sign of fear - ungracious condemnation
Sign of fear - ungracious condemnation
Sign of fear!
« Последнее редактирование: Января 18, 2025, 08:46:50 от Marsel Schmier »