Автор Тема: Раздача гитарных видео и видео-школ в Москве  (Прочитано 53936 раз)

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Оффлайн LiquidSoul Автор темы

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Раздача гитарных видео и видео-школ в Москве
« Ответ #240 : Сентября 17, 2005, 11:06:52 »
[Lesson] Bottleneck Blues Guitar.mpg
[Lesson] Kiko Loureiro ANGRA - FIERY GUITARWORKS.mpg
[Lesson] Ronnie Earl - Blues Guitar With Soul.mpg

Оффлайн LiquidSoul Автор темы

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Раздача гитарных видео и видео-школ в Москве
« Ответ #241 : Сентября 17, 2005, 11:07:57 »
Madonna - In bed with Madonna dvdrip.mpg
Madonna - The Immaculate Collection.mpg

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Раздача гитарных видео и видео-школ в Москве
« Ответ #242 : Сентября 18, 2005, 09:10:03 »
Хочу записать одну DVD болванку (качать влом), у меня знакомый будет в Москве на днях. Че с него за это потребуется?

Оффлайн Mike_K

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« Ответ #243 : Сентября 19, 2005, 21:13:30 »
только что-то я не пойму как качать. дайте кто-нибудь ссылку на любую видеошколу для примера. или просто все так усердно качают, что я не могу даже ни байта скачать?

Оффлайн Сарданапал

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Раздача гитарных видео и видео-школ в Москве
« Ответ #244 : Сентября 19, 2005, 21:54:47 »
Все усердно качают :)

Оффлайн LiquidSoul Автор темы

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Раздача гитарных видео и видео-школ в Москве
« Ответ #245 : Сентября 20, 2005, 19:25:01 »
Frank Zappa - Live in New York 1981 with Steve Vai - Part 1.mpg
Frank Zappa - Live in New York 1981 with Steve Vai - Part 2.mpg
[Young Guitar] Yngwie Malmsteen - Play Loud [Arpeggios].rar
chris impellitteri - speed system tabs exercices from DVD young guitar sept 2002.rar
[Young Guitar] John Petrucci - Mystic Dream Exercise.zip
[Young Guitar] Yngwie Malmsteen - Play Loud [The Basics].zip
Andy Timmons - Guitar X-tacy (Young Guitar DVD) TAB .zip

Оффлайн LiquidSoul Автор темы

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Раздача гитарных видео и видео-школ в Москве
« Ответ #246 : Сентября 20, 2005, 19:26:13 »
еще есть несколько новых школ, я их сразу в общий архив закинул случайно, так что ищите 10 отличий :)
[Lesson] Adrian Legg - Beyond Acoustic Guitar (51min24sec).mpg
[Lesson] Al Di Meola - REH Instruction Video.mpg
[Lesson] Alexi Laiho - Reap N' Roll Licks.mpg
[Lesson] Alexi Laiho [Children of Bodom] - Passage to the Reaper.mpg
[Lesson] Allan Holdsworth - Instructional Video (REH).mpg
[Lesson] Allan Slutsky - Funk Guitar 1.mpg
[Lesson] Allan Slutsky - Funk Guitar2.mpg
[Lesson] Andy Timmons - Beginning Electric Guitar - Ibanez.mpg
[Lesson] Andy Timmons - Guitar X-Tacy (Young Guitar Dvd).mpg
[Lesson] Arlen Roth - Rockabilly Guitar.mpg
[Lesson] B.B. King - Blues Master Cd1.mpg
[Lesson] B.B. King - Blues Master Cd2.mpg
[Lesson] B.B. King - Blues Master Cd3.mpg
[Lesson] Blues Saraceno - Pt 1 - Bends, Vibrato, Phrasing.mpg
[Lesson] Blues Saraceno - Pt 2 - Pick and Fingers.mpg
[Lesson] Blues Saraceno - Pt 3 - Tapping, Licks Using Effects, Blues Speaks Out.mpg
[Lesson] Bottleneck Blues Guitar.mpg
[Lesson] Brett Garsed - Rock Fusion - Vol 1 - Right Hand Tecnique.mpg
[Lesson] Brett Garsed - Rock Fusion - Vol 2 - Left Hand Tecnique.mpg
[Lesson] Brett Garsed - Rock Fusion - Vol 3 - Combining Tecniques.mpg
[Lesson] Brett Garsed - Rock Fusion - Vol 4 - Melodic Choices.mpg
[Lesson] Brian May - Star Licks Instructional Video.mpg
[Lesson] Bruce Bouillet - Improvisation for Progressive Hard Rock Guitar (46m58s).mpg
[Lesson] Buddy Guy - Teachin' The Blues.mpg
[Lesson] Carlos Cavazo - Star Licks.mpg
[Lesson] Charlie Byrd - Contemporary Acoustic Jazz Guitar.mpg
[Lesson] Chris Impellitteri - Speed Soloing - REH Instructional Video.mpg
[Lesson] Chris Impellitteri - The Speed System (Young Guitar gebrannt.mpg
[Lesson] Classic Rock Guitar - 30 Licks In 30 Minutes.mpg
[Lesson] Danny Gatton - Strictly Rhythm Guitar.mpg
[Lesson] Danny Gatton - Telemaster!.mpg
[Lesson] Don Mock - Guitar Lesson - The Blues From Rock To Jazz.mpg
[Lesson] Don Mock - Jazz Rhythm Chops.mpg
[Lesson] Don Mock - The Blues From Rock To Jazz.mpg
[Lesson] Duke Robillard - Uptown Blues Jazz Rock and Swing Guitar.mpg
[Lesson] Emily Remler - Bebop and Swing Guitar.mpg
[Lesson] Eric Johnson - Fine Art Of Guitar - Tape1(3of3).mpg
[Lesson] Eric Johnson - Total Electric Guitar Pt. 1 [Hot Licks] RUS.mpg
[Lesson] Eric Johnson - Total Electric Guitar Pt. 2 [Hot Licks] RUS.mpg
[Lesson] Eric Johnson Guitar Lesson - Blues Lesson.mpg
[Lesson] Frank Gambale - Modes No More Mystery - Part 1.mpg
[Lesson] Frank Gambale - Modes No More Mystery - Part 2.mpg
[Lesson] Frank Gambale - Modes No More Mystery - Part 3.mpg
[Lesson] Frank Gambale - Modes No More Mystery - Part 4.mpg
[Lesson] Frank Gambale - Modes No More Mystery - Part 5.mpg
[Lesson] Frank Gambale - Modes No More Mystery - Part 6.mpg
[Lesson] George Lynch - Instructional Video (REH).mpg
[Lesson] George Lynch - Wicked Shred Revolution [Young Guitar].mpg
[Lesson] Greg Howe - Guitar Lesson with Tabs.mpg
[Lesson] Hal Leonard - Method For Beginners Dvd 1.mpg
[Lesson] Hal Leonard - Method For Beginners Dvd 2.mpg
[Lesson] Hal Leonard - Method For Beginners Dvd 3.mpg
[Lesson] How To Play Layla (By Eric Clapton).mpg
[Lesson] Jani Liimatainen - Sonata Arctica -  Young Guitar -DVD Mag.mpg
[Lesson] Jim Hall - Jazz Guitar Master Class - Vol2 Advanced Concepts.mpg
[Lesson] Jim Hall - Starlicks Master Sessions.mpg
[Lesson] Jim Hall-Jazz Guitar Master Class-vol.1 jazz basics(basics of improvisation).mpg
[Lesson] Jimi Hendrix - Guitar Method Video.mpg
[Lesson] Joe Diorio - Reh Video Creative Jazz Guitar.mpg
[Lesson] Joe Pass - Jazz Lines (REH).mpg
[Lesson] Joe Pass - Solo Jazz Guitar (Hot Licks).mpg
[Lesson] Joe Pass - SOLO JAZZ GUITAR (REH Instruction Video).mpg
[Lesson] Joe Satriani - Video Pt. 1 Scales and Soloing Less.mpg
[Lesson] Joe Satriani (The Greatest Guitar Player In The World) - The Satch Tapes.mpg
[Lesson] Joey Tafolla - Shredding (REH).mpg
[Lesson] John Abercrombie - Jazz Guitar Improvisation.mpg
[Lesson] John Petrucci - Mystic Dream Exercise YOUNG GUITAR.mpg
[Lesson] John Petrucci - Rock Discipline.mpg
[Lesson] John Scofield - Jazz Funk Guitar - with Dennis Chambers - Part 1.mpg
[Lesson] John Scofield - Jazz Funk Guitar - with Dennis Chambers - Part 2.mpg
[Lesson] Kee Marcello - Instructional Video (REH).mpg
[Lesson] Kiko Loureiro ANGRA - FIERY GUITARWORKS.mpg
[Lesson] Larry Coryell - Advanced Jazz Guitar.mpg
[Lesson] Learn To Play Your Guitar - A Method For Beginners Part 4 - Hal Leonard.mpg
[Lesson] Lezioni Di Chitarra Rock, Metal, Rock-Blues, Guitar Tricks.mpg
[Lesson] Malmsteen - Blues solo lesson.mpg
[Lesson] Mark Knopfler - Masterclass.mpg
[Lesson] Marty Friedman - Exotic Metal Guitar (Hot Licks).mpg
[Lesson] Marty Friedman - Extreme Metal Guitar.mpg
[Lesson] Marty Friedman - Melodic Control (Inside Edge).mpg
[Lesson] Mat Gurman - 50 Licks Blues Style.mpg
[Lesson] Mattias IA Eklundh - freak kitchen - Hyper freak exercis young guitar.mpg
[Lesson] May Lian (Rus).mpg
[Lesson] Mel Bay - You Can Teach Yourself Rock Guitar-2.mpg
[Lesson] Michael Angelo - Speed Kills.mpg
[Lesson] Michael Angelo - Star Licks.mpg
[Lesson] Michael Romeo (Symphony X).mpg
[Lesson] Nuno Bettencourt - Riff The N-Funk (Young guitar DVD).mpg
[Lesson] Patrick Rondat - Virtuosite & Velocite A La Guitare.mpg
[Lesson] PAUL GILBERT - 100% RACER X.mpg
[Lesson] Paul Gilbert - Blues licks.mpg
[Lesson] Paul Gilbert - Guitars From Mars 1 - [Classical].mpg
[Lesson] Paul Gilbert - Guitars From Mars 2 (Rock) (Young Guitar).mpg
[Lesson] Paul Gilbert - Intense Rock - Sequences & Techniques (REH).mpg
[Lesson] Paul Gilbert - Intense Rock II (REH).mpg
[Lesson] Paul Gilbert - Terrifying Guitar Trip.mpg
[Lesson] Peter John Finlay - Fingerstyle Blues & Jazz C.mpg
[Lesson] Petrucci (Dream Theater) - Rock Discipline (DVD).mpg
[Lesson] Randy Rhoads Style - Featuring Dave Celentano - Star Style Series By Jsb.mpg
[Lesson] Reb Beach - Cutting Loose.mpg
[Lesson] Red Hot Chili Peppers - Dave Navarro Instructional Video.mpg
[Lesson] Richard Benson - Lesson Rock, Metal, Blues & Guitar Tricks.mpg
[Lesson] Richie Kotzen - Hi Tech Rock Guitar Part 1.mpg
[Lesson] Richie Kotzen - Hi Tech Rock Guitar Part 2.mpg
[Lesson] Richie Kotzen - Rock Chops (REH).mpg
[Lesson] Richie Kotzen - Special Guitar Lecture - Actual-thing to Play - Young Guitar.mpg
[Lesson] Robben Ford - Back To The Blues Part 1.mpg
[Lesson] Robben Ford - Back To The Blues Part 2.mpg
[Lesson] Robben Ford - The Blues And Beyond.mpg
[Lesson] Robin Trower - Hot Licks Video - Classic Blues - Rock Guitar.mpg
[Lesson] Ronnie Earl - Blues Guitar With Soul [Hot Licks].mpg
[Lesson] Ronnie Earl - Blues Guitar With Soul.mpg
[Lesson] Ross Bolton - Funk Rythm Guitar (Part 1).mpg
[Lesson] Ross Bolton - Funk Rythm Guitar (Part 2).mpg
[Lesson] Scott Henderson - Guitar Lesson - Melodic Control.mpg
[Lesson] Scott Henderson - Jazz Fusion Improvisation.mpg
[Lesson] Scott Henderson Melodic Phrasing.mpg
[Lesson] Shawn Lane - Power Licks (REH).mpg
[Lesson] Shawn Lane - Power Solos (REH).mpg
[Lesson] Steve Trovato (Country Rock) - Soloing Concepts [REH Video].mpg
[Lesson] Steve Vai - Chord Prograssions.mpg
[Lesson] Steve Vai - GIT seminar 1985 - 1st session(1).mpg
[Lesson] Steve Vai - GIT seminar 1985 - 2nd session.mpg
[Lesson] Stevie Salas - Funk Guitar.mpg
[Lesson] The Guitar Of Brian Setzer (Hot Liks).mpg
[Lesson] Tony Macalpine - Guitar Lessons RUS.mpg
[Lesson] Tony McAlpine - Star Licks (53m23s).mpg
[Lesson] Troy Stetina - Beginning Rock Rhythm Guitar.mpg
[Lesson] Van Halen Guitar Method.mpg
[Lesson] Vinnie Moore - Advanced Lead Guitar Techniques.mpg
[Lesson] Vinnie Moore - Speed, Accuracy, And Articulation.mpg
[Lesson] Vivian Campbell - Master Rock Of Lead Guitar.mpg
[Lesson] Warren Haynes - Electric Blues & Slide Guitar [Hot Licks].mpg
[Lesson] Yngwie Malmsteen - Play Loud, The Basics, Apeggios, Classical Styles - Young Guitar 126min08s.mpg
[Lesson] Yngwie Malmsteen (REH Master Video).mpg
[Lesson] Zakk Wylde - Pentatonic Hardcore (Rus).mpg
[Lesson] Zakk Wylde - Pentatonic Hardcore.mpg
[Lesson] Zakk Wylde - Pentatonic Speedballer.mpg
[Lesson] Al Di Meola - REH Video Booklet.pdf
[Lesson] Allan Holdsworth Booklet for REH Video.pdf
[Lesson] Andy Timmons - Guitar X-Tacy (Young Guitar Booklet).pdf
[Lesson] B.B. King - Blues Master I [book].pdf
[Lesson] Brett Garsed - Rock Fusion video book.pdf
[Lesson] Brett Garsed - Rock Fusion.pdf
[Lesson] BRETT GARSED -Rock Fusion.pdf
[Lesson] Frank Gambale - Modes No More Mystery.pdf
[Lesson] Funk Rhythm Guitar With Ross Bolton.pdf
[Lesson] Joe Pass - Jazz Lines (REH).pdf
[Lesson] Joey Tafolla - Shredding (REH).pdf
[Lesson] John Petrucci - Rock Discipline (REH).pdf
[Lesson] Kee Marcello Reh video booklet.pdf
[Lesson] Marty Friedman - Exotic Metal Guitar (Hot Licks).pdf
[Lesson] Paul Gilbert - Guitars From Mars 1 - [Classical].pdf
[Lesson] Paul Gilbert - Guitars From Mars 1 (Classical) (Young Guitar).pdf
[Lesson] Paul Gilbert - Guitars From Mars 2 (Rock) (Young Guitar).pdf
[Lesson] Paul Gilbert - Terrifying Guitar Trip.pdf
[Lesson] Paul Gilbert - Terryfing Guitar Trip (REH).pdf
[Lesson] Richie Kotzen - Rock Chops (REH).pdf
[Lesson] Robben Ford - The Blues And Beyond (Tabs).pdf
[Lesson] Scott Henderson - Melodic Phrasing.pdf
[Lesson] Shawn Lane - Power Licks (REH).pdf
[Lesson] Shawn Lane - Power Solos (REH).pdf
[Lesson] The Guitar Of Brian Setzer (Hot Licks Booklet).pdf
[Lesson] Yngwie Malmsteen - Hot Licks (REH).pdf
[Lesson] Zakk Wylde - Pentatonic Hardcore(Tab Book).pdf
[Lesson] Zakk Wylde - Style Study.pdf
[Lesson] John Petrucci - Rock Discipline(with the amazing metronome).ZIP
[Lesson] Marty Friedman - melodic control tab book.zip

Оффлайн LiquidSoul Автор темы

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Раздача гитарных видео и видео-школ в Москве
« Ответ #247 : Сентября 20, 2005, 19:26:47 »
[Bass Lesson] Billy Sheehan (Mr. Big) Guitar Profile Billy Sheehan (Cherry Lane Video).mpg
[Bass Lesson] Dave La Rue.mpg
[Bass Lesson] Flea Bass Lesson.mpg
[Bass Lesson] Jaco Pastorius - Modern Electric Bass.mpg
[Bass Lesson] Jeff Berlin - Bass lesson (Star Licks, Master Series - Super.mpg
[Bass Lesson] John Myung - Progressive Bass Concepts.mpg
[Bass Lesson] John Patitucci - A Dictionari of Grooves & Techniques.mpg
[Bass Lesson] John Patitucci - Bass Workshop With Dave Weckl (Bass Lesson).mpg
[Bass Lesson] John Patitucci - Electric Bass 2 - Soloing Ear-training & six-string technique.mpg
[Bass Lesson] Larry Graham Super Slap Bass.mpg
[Bass Lesson] Louis Johnson - Slap Bass Lesson.mpg
[Bass Lesson] Louis Johnson-Slap Bass Lesson.mpg
[Bass Lesson] Pascal Mulot - Slap Bass.mpg
[Bass Lesson] T.M.Stevens - Heavy and Funky Bass Technique.mpg
[Bass Lesson] Victor Wooten - Lesson on technique.mpg

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Раздача гитарных видео и видео-школ в Москве
« Ответ #248 : Сентября 20, 2005, 19:27:09 »
Ac-Dc, Pantera & Metallica - Live In Moscow, Russia.mpg
Alice Cooper - Trashes The World (Dvdrip,Xvid,Ogg) -.mpg
Allan Holdsworth - Live In Leverkusen 1997 Part1.mpg
Allan Holdsworth - Live, Part 2.mpg
Anathema - Live in Krakow 1996.mpg
Andy Timmons - Official Live Bootleg (1991-1998).mpg
Andy Timmons - Paul Gilbert - Steve Vai - Ibanez Anniversary.mpg
Average White Band - Tonight in Concert at House of Blues - [DVDRip DivX 5.2].mpg
Black Sabbath - Clips From Black Sabbath Story 1 & 2.mpg
Black Sabbath - The Last Supper.mpg
Bon Jovi - Live from London CD1.mpg
Bon Jovi - Live from London CD2.mpg
Cannibal Corpse - Live Cannibalism Dvdivx5.02Pro Vbrmp3 By C.mpg
Children Of Bodom - Live in Milan 2003.mpg
Cradle Of Filth - PanDaemonAeon (DVD).mpg
Daft Punk - Interstella 5555.mpg
Deep Purple - Come Hell or High Water CD1.mpg
Deep Purple - Come Hell or High Water CD2.mpg
Deep Purple - Scandinavian Nights.mpg
Dream Theater - Live At Budokan (2004).mpg
Dream Theatre - Metropolis pt1.mpg
Dream Theatre - Metropolis pt2.mpg
Faith No More - Bizarre Festival (1997).mpg
Faith No More - festival de viГ±a del mar - 05 febrero 1991 - patton.mpg
Faith No More - Live In Brixton 1990.mpg
Frank Gambale - Concert With A Class.mpg
Frank Gambale - Vital Information.mpg
G3 - Live In Concert - Joe Satriani, Eric Johnson, Steve Vai.mpg
G3 - Satriani, Malmsteem, Steve Vai - Live In Denver.mpg
Guitar Legends from EXPO '92 Sevilla (May, Satriani, Bettencourt, Rodgers, Cherone, Vai, Walsh).mpg
Guitar Wars - Paul Guilbert, Nuno Bettencourt, Steve Hackett - bad sound.mpg
Guns N' Roses - Live In Paris 06-06-92 Part 2.mpg
Guns N' Roses - Rock In Rio Ii '91 (Second Night).mpg
Guns N' Roses - Rolling Stones Ft Axl Rose & Izzy Stradlin All Live.mpg
Guns N Roses Use Your Illusion I 1992 Dvdrip Divx-Bfhvcd.mpg
Guns N Roses Use Your Illusion Ii 1992.mpg
Helloween - The Pumpkin Video.mpg
Jamiroquai - Live in Verona.mpg
Jamiroquai - Montreux Jazz Festival 2003 (F-Quai).mpg
Jamiroquai - Phoenix Concert 1997.mpg
Jamiroquai - Tokyo Dome 99.mpg
Jason Becker - The Legendary Guitar Of (Part 2) (Hot Licks).mpg
Jimi Hendrix - Band Of Gypsys (Live At The Fillmore East).mpg
Jimi Hendrix - Documentary Of Classic Albums - Electric Ladyland.mpg
Jimi Hendrix - Documentary-1973.mpg
Jimi Hendrix - Experience (1967).mpg
Jimi Hendrix - Live At Royal Albert Hall 1 (69).mpg
Jimi Hendrix - Live At Royal Albert Hall 2 (69).mpg
Jimi Hendrix - Live at the isle of Wight.mpg
Joe Satriani - Live In San Francisco.mpg
Kiss - Exposed.mpg
Lacrimosa - The Live History - Dvd-Rip 512x288 Divx5.02-2Pass 160Kmp3.mpg
Led Zeppelin - The Song Remains The Same Pt.1 DVDRip.mpg
Led Zeppelin - The Song Remains The Same Pt.2 DVDRip.mpg
Led Zeppelin Cd1.mpg
Led Zeppelin Cd2.mpg
Les Claypool's Bucket Of Bernie's Brain (Live 2002-06-22) cd 1.mpg
Les Claypool's Bucket Of Bernie's Brain (Live 2002-06-22) cd 2.mpg
Les Claypool's Frog Brigade - Live 2002-05-03 svcd 3 of 3.mpg
les claypool's frog brigade (live 2002-05-03) svcd 1 of 3.MPG
les claypool's frog brigade (live 2002-05-03) svcd 2 of 3.MPG
Maceo Parker - In Concert 2003 Germany Part 1.mpg
Maceo Parker - In Concert 2003 Germany Part 2.mpg
Maceo Parker & Roots Revisited Feat Fred Wesley & Pee Wee Ellis.mpg
Malmsteen - Live cd1.mpg
Malmsteen - Live cd2.mpg
Manowar - Hell On Earth cd-1.mpg
Manowar - Hell On Earth cd-2.mpg
Meshuggah - Live In Columbus 2002.mpg
Meshuggah - Live In Montreal (Ozzfest, July 31, 2002).mpg
Meshuggah And Dillinger Escape Plan Hultsfred 2004-Dvd-2004-Avc Int.mpg
Metallica - Making Of The Black Album.mpg
Metallica - Rock Rio Lisboa - Live 2004.mpg
Metallica - Some Kind Of Monster CD1.mpg
Metallica - Some Kind Of Monster CD2.mpg
Metallica & Symphony 1.mpg
Metallica & Symphony 2.mpg
Mike & Leni Stern, John Zorn, Hal Galper, Wayne Krantz Etc - Jazz Club 1990 - Steps Ahead.mpg
Mike Stern - at Jo Soares 01-06-05_bass_Richard_Bona.mpg
Mike Stern Band - Dave Weckl - Jeff Andrews.mpg
Mike Stern, Dennis Chambers - Jazzfest Montreaux 1999 part1.mpg
Mike Stern, Dennis Chambers, Michel Camilo, Bob Berg - [1990] - LIVE AT NEWPORT JAZZ.mpg
MManson world tour.mpg
Monsters Of Rock 91 (Metallica, Ac Dc, Pantera).mpg
Moscow Music Peace Festival '89 Vol 2 (Motley Crue, Gorky Park, Ozzy Osbourne, Scorpions).mpg
My Dying Bride - Live In Krakow 1996.mpg
Mylene Farmer - Live.mpg
Mylene Farmer - Plus Grandir.mpg
Nightwish - Century Child Tour 2003.mpg
Oscar Peterson Quartet - with Joe Pass.mpg
Ozzy Osbourne - Bark At The Moon Tour 1984.mpg
Ozzy Osbourne - Live at the Budokan.mpg
Ozzy Osbourne - Speak Of The Devil - 1982 - Complete Concert 1h18m47S (Awesome Not Just Black Sabbath Songs Like In The Live.mpg
Ozzy Osbourne - The Ultimate Ozzy.mpg
Ozzy Osbourne & Jake E Lee - The Ultimate Sin Tour The Ultimate Ozzy (Live Mtv).mpg
Ozzy Osbourne & Zakk Wylde - Live At Philadelphia 1989.mpg
Pantera - (Full Set) - Live In Seoul Korea 05-06-01.mpg
Pantera - Cowboys From Hell.mpg
Pantera - Vulgar Videos.mpg
Pantera - Watch It Go Cd1.mpg
Pantera - Watch It Go Cd2.mpg
Pat Martino - Umbria Jazz.mpg
Pink Floyd - Live at Live8 02.07.2005.mpg
Primus - Hallucino-Genetics Live 2004 (Xvid) by Vgroup.mpg
Primus - Live Woodstock '94.mpg
Rage - Live.mpg
Rage Against The Machine - Live At The Grand Olympic Auditorium.mpg
Rage Against The Machine - The Battle Of Mexico City Teste Divxovore.mpg
Rammstein - Live Aus Berlin.mpg
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Live At Slane Castle (2003) Dvdrip Xvid Ac3.5.1Ch Os Iluminados Cd1.mpg
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Live At Slane Castle (2003) Dvdrip Xvid Ac3.5.1Ch Os Iluminados Cd2.mpg
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Live At Woodstock 1999-07-25.mpg
Scorpions - A Savage Crazy World - Live In Berlin 1991-Part1.mpg
Scorpions - A Savage Crazy World - Live In Berlin 1991-Part2.mpg
Scorpions - Live In Tokyo 1984.mpg
Scorpions - Moment Of Glory(Dvd-Rip)1Of2.mpg
Scorpions - Moment Of Glory(Dvd-Rip)2Of2.mpg
Scorpions - Video - World Wide Live (57.35 Min).mpg
Skid Row, Cinderella, Bon Jovi - Moscow Music Peace Festival Vol 1(118Min Ussr 1989).mpg
Steve Vai - Live At The Astoria London Dvdrip Xvid Mman Cd1.mpg
Steve Vai - Live At The Astoria London Dvdrip Xvid Mman Cd2.mpg
Steve Vai - Live At The Astoria London Dvdrip Xvid Mman Cd3.mpg
Stevie Ray Vaughan - A Tribute To Stevie Ray Vaughan (Eric Clapton BB King & Other Players).mpg
Stevie Ray Vaughan - Live At Montreux (dvdrip).mpg
Stevie Ray Vaughan - Live El Mocambo VCD, DVD-Rip (excellent quality).mpg
Stevie Ray Vaughan - Rockpalast Loreley.mpg
Stevie Ray Vaughan & Double Trouble - Live From Austin, Texas.mpg
Stevie Ray Vaughan & Joe Satriani - Mtv Unplugged (Blues Unplugged On Vh1 - Svcd)(Complete Video).mpg
Swinging Bach In Leipzig 2000 - Bobby Mcferrin, Jacques Loussier, German Brass, King Singers, Jiri Stivin - Dvdrip.mpg
THE BEATLES - The First U.S.Visit.mpg
The Brian Setzer Orchestra - Live In Japan.mpg
The Ventures - Bumble Bee Twist (Japan 1966).mpg
The Ventures - Concert (Uk 1980 27Min).mpg
The Ventures - Golden Hits.mpg
Van Halen - Video Hits Vol.1.mpg
Zakk Wylde (Black Label Society) - Boozed, Broozed & Broken Boned.mpg
ZZ Top - Full Concert - Rockpalast.mpg
ZZ Top - Greatest Hits.mpg
Машина времени. XXX лет. Юбилейный концерт в Олимпийском CD1.mpg
Машина времени. XXX лет. Юбилейный концерт в Олимпийском CD2.mpg

Оффлайн LiquidSoul Автор темы

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  • Сообщений: 3253
Раздача гитарных видео и видео-школ в Москве
« Ответ #249 : Сентября 20, 2005, 19:28:27 »

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Раздача гитарных видео и видео-школ в Москве
« Ответ #250 : Сентября 20, 2005, 19:32:43 »
[Funk] Funky Lead.rar
[Funk] Johnny Guitar Watson & The Watsonian Institute - Master Funk.rar
[Funk] Play Funk Like Paul Jackson JR (Mp3 Tab & Backing Track).rar
Johnny Guitar Watson - Funk beyond the call of duty ## http://www.falacomigo.org ##.rar
[Beginner] How To Read Music.zip
[Blues] 10 Hot Blues Licks.zip
[Blues] 25 Blues Licks U Must Know.zip
[Blues] B B King Guitar Style (Mp3 Tab & Backing Track).zip
[Blues] Blues You Can Use.zip
[Blues] BluesMutations.zip
[Blues] Essential.Blues.Scale.Licks.(Mp3.Tab.&.Backing.Track).zip
[Blues] Master Trax Blues Jam.zip
[Blues] Robben Ford - Blues For Guitar.zip
[Fingerstyle] Acoustic Masterclass - Tommy Emmanuel.zip
[Funk] (Guitar Book Cd) Progressive Funk And R&B Guitar Method.zip
[Funk] (Guitar Lesson) Funk - Getting Funky - Disco Rhytm (Mp3 Tab & Backing Track).zip
[Funk] 10 Funky Fragments (Mp3 Tab & Backing Track).zip
[Funk] 10 Funky Fragments.zip
[Funk] Blues - Funky Rhytm.zip
[Funk] Down Funk Tutorial (Rhythm Method).zip
[Funk] Funk - Nile Rodgers Style.zip
[Funk] Funk - Odd Time Signatures.zip
[Funk] Funk Guitar - The Essential Guide.zip
[Funk] Get Funky (Mp3 Tab And Backing Track).zip
[Funk] Guitar Player - Blue Note's Funky Side.zip
[Funk] Guitar Techniques - Blues - Funky Rhytm.zip
[Funk] Guitar Techniques - Jazz-Funk - Soloing Over Dominant Chords (MP3, Tab & Backing Tracks).zip
[Funk] How To Funk Like Ronny Jordan (Mp3 Tab And Backing Track).zip
[Funk] How To Funk Like Steve Cropper (Mp3 Tab And Backing Track).zip
[Funk] How To Play Like The Meters (Mp3 Tab And Backing Track).zip
[Funk] Nile Rodgers Style (Mp3 Tab & Backing Track).zip
[Funk] Rhytm Guitar - Hendrix-Style Funk Rock (Mp3 Tab And Backing Track).zip
[Funk] Single Note Funk.zip
[guitar tab +cd] Funk guitar jammin'.zip
[Jazz] 101 Jazz guitar licks alan deMause.zip
[Jazz] All Blues Soloing For Jazz Guitar.zip
[Jazz] Dominant Scales (Mp3 Tab And Backing Tra.zip
[Jazz] Jazz Blues Rhytm (Mp3 Tab & Backing Track).zip
[Jazz] Jazz Soloing Lesson 1 ( mp3 & tab ).zip
[Jazz] Mixing Scales Major II V I (Mp3 Tab & Backing Track).zip
[Jazz] scales and jazz minorising (mp3 tab & backing track)(1).zip
[Rock] Andy Timmons Lesson.zip
[Rock] Batten - Two Hand Tapping RUS.zip
[Rock] Extended Arpeggios Part 2.zip
[Rock] Extended Arpeggios Part 4.zip
[Rock] Guitar Techniques - The Rhythm Method - Roots - Rock Licks.zip
[Rock] Joe Satriani - Left hand Legato - Workout Part 2 - (Mp3 Tab & Backing Track).zip
[Rock] Mixolydian Soloing Part 4 (MP3 Tab & Backing Tracks).zip
[Rock] Nuno Bettencourt - Play With Me Solo (Mp3 Tab And Backing Track).zip
[Rock] Paul Gilbert Master Class Part 1 (Mp3 Tab And Backing Track).zip
[Rock] Pentatonic Scale Positions (Mp3 Tab & Backing Track).zip
[Rock] Red Hot Metal Licks (Mp3 Tab & Backing Tracks).zip
[Rock] Rock George Lynch Great Riffs (Mp3 Tab & Backing Track 05-97).zip
[Rock] Rock Guitar Made Easy Lesson 1 (Mp3 Tab And Backing Track)(1).zip
[Rock] Rock Guitar Made Easy Lesson 2 (Mp3 Tab And Backing Track).zip
[Rock] Rock Guitar Made Easy Lesson 3 (Mp3 Tab And Backing Track).zip
[Rock] Rock Guitar Made Easy Lesson 4 (Mp3 Tab And Backing Track).zip
[Rock] Soloing Over Major Triads (Mp3 Tab & Backing Track).zip
[Rock] Steve Morse Master Class (Mp3 Tab And Backing Track).zip
[Rock] Wylde, Zakk - Style Study (MP3 Tab And Backing Tracks).zip
[Slide] David Hamburger - Method Slide guitar.rar.zip
[Slide] Slide Guitar Lesson 1 (Mp3 Tab And Backing Track).zip
[Slide] Slide Guitar Lesson 3 (Mp3 Tab And Backing Track).zip
[Tab] Joe Satriani - Cryin' (Mp3 Tab & Backing Track).zip
[Tab] Led Zeppelin - Stairway To Heaven (MP3 Tab And Backing Track).zip
[Tab] Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train (Mp3 Tab And Backing Track).zip
[Tab] Richie Kotzen A Step Away guitar tab mp3 backing  track.zip
[Tab] Steve Vai - For The Love Of God (Mp3 Tab And Backing Track).zip
[Tab] Van Halen - Beat It Guitar Solo (Mp3 Tab And Backing Track).zip
Guitar Techniques - Chromatic Soloing (Mp3 Tab And Backing Track).zip
Guitar Techniques - Frank Gambale - Dangerous Riffs.zip
Guitar Techniques - Fusion Lesson Part 1 (Mp3 Tab And Backing Track).zip
Guitar Techniques - Harmony Lesson 1 (Mp3 Tab & Backing Track).zip
Guitar techniques 8 fingers tapping methode Daniel PEROINE style Batten Helmerich Jordan Van Hale.zip
Mike Stern - Ultimate Play Along (Book And Audio).zip

Оффлайн LiquidSoul Автор темы

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Раздача гитарных видео и видео-школ в Москве
« Ответ #251 : Сентября 20, 2005, 19:33:07 »
[Beginner] Learn How To Play The Guitar.pdf
[Blues] 1001 blues licks.pdf
[Classical] 12 Studies for Guitar op. 48  Vol. 1.pdf
[Classical] Alegrias.pdf
[Classical] Bossa Nova Basics.pdf
[Classical] Bulerias.pdf
[Classical] Carcassi 25 Studies for Guitar op. 60.pdf
[Classical] de lucia_cepa andaluza.pdf
[Classical] de lucia_el tempul.pdf
[Classical] Fandagos.pdf
[Classical] Granaina.pdf
[Classical] Guitar Moment I (Collection of Sheet music).pdf
[Classical] Joe Pass Collection.pdf
[Classical] Siguiriya.pdf
[Classical] Tangosa.pdf
[Classical] Tientosa.pdf
[Flamenco] Analysis.pdf
[Flamenco] Theory.pdf
[Funk] Bluffers Guide To FUNK tg78.pdf
[Funk] Funk&Soul.pdf
[Jazz] Chord Melody Secrets - Solo Jazz Guitar.pdf
[Jazz] Classical to Jazz in 5 Minutes.pdf
[Jazz] jazz, the natural music.pdf
[Jazz] Library of Musicians'Jazz.pdf
[Jazz] Martin Taylor Guitar Method.pdf
[Jazz] Memorizing Scales And Chords.pdf
[Jazz] Scott Henderson - Jazz Guitar Chord System.pdf
[Jazz] The diminished scale for guitar.pdf
[Jazz] transcribing.pdf
[Realbook] 1.PDF
[Realbook] 2.PDF
[Realbook] 3.PDF
[Realbook] JazzLTD.pdf
[Realbook] Library of Musicians' Jazz.pdf
[Realbook] The Latin Realbook.pdf
[Realbook] The Real Book Of Blues.pdf
[Realbook] The Real Little Classical Fake Book.pdf
[Realbook] The Ultimate Pop Rock Fake Book.pdf
[Realbook] THEBOOK.PDF
[Rock] Heavy Metal Guitar.pdf
[Rock] Jennifer Batten - Two hand rock for guitar.pdf
[Rock] Paradigm Shift - Guitar Tab.pdf
[Rock] Paul Gilbert - Terrifying Guitar 101.pdf
[Rock] Rock.guitar.secrets.pdf
[Rock] Steve Vai - Guitar Styles & Techniques (1).pdf
[Tab] Eric Clapton - Unplugged Guitar Songbook.pdf
[Tab] Eric Clapton - Wonderful Tonight.pdf
[Tab] Scott Henderson Guitar Book.pdf
[Tab] Steve Vai - Alien Love Secrets.pdf
[Tab] Steve Vai - Fire Garden-Guitar-Tab Book.pdf
[Tab] Steve Vai - Guitar Book.pdf
Accompanying a Singer.pdf
Arabic Numbers, Greek Names and Roman.pdf
Frank Gambale - Chop Builder.pdf
Fretboard Logic Volumes 1 +2 + 3.pdf
Fretboard Roadmaps.pdf
Guitar Chord Charts.pdf
Guitar Secrets - Melodic Minor by Don Mock.pdf
Jamiroquai - Virtual Insanity.pdf
Major Scale Patterns 2.pdf
Pentatonic Scale Patterns 3.pdf
Rhythm Guitar - Complete Guide - Musicians Institute.pdf
Surprise! It's More Than A Bakers Dozen.pdf
[Tab] Eric Clapton - The Best Of Signature Licks.rar
[Jazz] jazz handbook.zip
[Rock] Guitar - (Guitar Book)  Dave Celentano - Monster Scales And Modes.zip
[Tab] Django Reingardt.zip
[Tab] Joe Pass - Virtuoso3.zip
[Tab] joeytafolla.zip
GID Allan Holdsworth School Booklet.zip
guitar lesson with the greats.zip
The Guitar Style Of Stevie Ray Vaughan.zip
Total Guitar Technique RUS.zip

Оффлайн LiquidSoul Автор темы

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Раздача гитарных видео и видео-школ в Москве
« Ответ #252 : Сентября 20, 2005, 19:33:50 »

Оффлайн LiquidSoul Автор темы

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Раздача гитарных видео и видео-школ в Москве
« Ответ #253 : Сентября 20, 2005, 20:04:57 »

Оффлайн Blackmarene

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Раздача гитарных видео и видео-школ в Москве
« Ответ #254 : Сентября 23, 2005, 06:28:24 »
Цитата: LiquidSoul

[Lesson] Greg Howe - Guitar Lesson with Tabs.mpg

[Lesson] Greg Howe - Guitar Lesson with Tabs.mpg (628 Mb)
- на ftp не обнаружено, есть только:
[Lesson] Greg Howe - Hot Rock Licks.mpg = 643Mb
Это одно и то же? Если нет, то где искать "Greg Howe - Guitar Lesson with Tabs.mpg"? Оно вообще существует?