Автор Тема: English speaking club  (Прочитано 60517 раз)

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Оффлайн darkmagus

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Re: English speaking club
« Ответ #90 : Ноября 09, 2013, 07:17:07 »
Best way to use your time is to learn spanish 'n brazilian.
This way all south'n'north Amerika will be yours.

Оффлайн debaser10

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Re: English speaking club
« Ответ #91 : Ноября 09, 2013, 09:57:52 »
Best way to use your time is to learn spanish 'n brazilian.
This way all south'n'north Amerika will be yours.

Maybe... But when I learn french, Europe, Northen Africa and Canada willbe mine :))

Оффлайн buzz

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Re: English speaking club
« Ответ #92 : Ноября 10, 2013, 17:53:46 »

... и добавил:

Оффлайн Наденька N

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Re: English speaking club
« Ответ #93 : Ноября 10, 2013, 20:45:44 »
I'm the small fairy of tender feelings! And I want your to play a serenade for me :rolleyes:

... и добавил:

In seacret, my university's subject is very difficult for me. I want to learn English by myself and without boring teachers :7:
« Последнее редактирование: Ноября 10, 2013, 20:48:56 от Наденька N »

Оффлайн New_Paradise

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Re: English speaking club
« Ответ #94 : Ноября 10, 2013, 20:50:13 »
Наденька N, pish pish ololo :pozor:

Оффлайн Tale

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Re: English speaking club
« Ответ #95 : Ноября 10, 2013, 20:54:24 »
I'm the small fairy of tender feelings! And I want your to play a serenade for me :rolleyes:

... и добавил:

In seacret, my university's subject is very difficult for me. I want to learn English by myself and without boring teachers :7:
Sis, wut?  :big-big-eyes:

Оффлайн New_Paradise

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Re: English speaking club
« Ответ #96 : Ноября 10, 2013, 21:04:07 »
dind a ding dang my dang long ling long :pozor:

Оффлайн Наденька N

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Re: English speaking club
« Ответ #97 : Ноября 10, 2013, 21:08:32 »
Tale,  :hmmm:

... и добавил:

boooooring! :pozor:
« Последнее редактирование: Ноября 10, 2013, 21:10:55 от Наденька N »

Оффлайн Tale

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Re: English speaking club
« Ответ #98 : Ноября 10, 2013, 21:23:28 »
Наденька N, nah, I was just kidding. It's just that your message was a bit hard to understand. Here, let me fix this:
First of all, one does not use the word "tender", implying feelings. I'd rather use "gentle", "sweet" or something like that. But then again, maybe it's just me. Also, you don't need "the" at the beginning of your sentence.
Then, you want to use "you" instead of "your". Or else, you may say "I want to listen to your serenade". Not "your to play".
Then, secret, not seacret (whatever that is anyway). Then I'd say very difficult to me, not "for me".

The rest is pretty much alright.  ;)

Оффлайн Saladin Hadida

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Re: English speaking club
« Ответ #99 : Ноября 11, 2013, 07:38:26 »
I dodnt know english so much  :okay:

Оффлайн NikkiShem

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Re: English speaking club
« Ответ #100 : Ноября 11, 2013, 09:14:10 »
Best way to use your time is to learn spanish 'n brazilian.

There's no "Brazilian" language, but Brazilians speak Portugese... :pozor:

Оффлайн darkmagus

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Re: English speaking club
« Ответ #101 : Ноября 11, 2013, 09:57:48 »
There's no "Brazilian" language, but Brazilians speak Portugese... :pozor:

Brazilian Portuges have some kind of differenses of Euro Portuges. Means it has differ spellin' differ writin' and differ pronoun similar diffn'ses english brit and english amerikan. Cos since start to colonization Braz been two ways of modific Portuges and nowadays braz speakin' population dominatin' euro portuges that means we shou'd consider it like two diff languages though it has no big diffs at all.

Оффлайн NikkiShem

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Re: English speaking club
« Ответ #102 : Ноября 11, 2013, 11:06:34 »
darkmagus, you say that the difference between Portugese language that Brazilians and Portugese speak is similar to British vs. American English, so American English is STILL English — not "American" language... And of course, I don't mind, that Portugese spoken in Brazil is exactly the same as the one spoken in Portugal. :alc:

Оффлайн darkmagus

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Re: English speaking club
« Ответ #103 : Ноября 11, 2013, 12:48:10 »
darkmagus, you say that the difference between Portugese language that Brazilians and Portugese speak is similar to British vs. American English, so American English is STILL English — not "American" language... And of course, I don't mind, that Portugese spoken in Brazil is exactly the same as the one spoken in Portugal. :alc:

yes, but they call english as amerikan english and brit english so we may call portuges in Braz as brazilian portuges and portugal portuges in Portugal or for short brazilian and portuges.

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Re: English speaking club
« Ответ #104 : Ноября 11, 2013, 20:47:19 »
I've understood every single word you said except ''dull''. What does it mean??

I recommend you to use something else, except Google translator :)