20/20, Давай! Ждём-с!)))
Кста, не я один озаботился этой ноткой. Вот британский дядька тоже))))))....., (10:43 и дальше). Он еще один вариант играет. ля на октаву аыше на 3-й струне на 2-м ладу... Ну, бог троицу любит))))). Я топлю за свой, естессна!)))))
slonuko, ну, у меня это может занять, так я знаю примерно, но надо подчистить.

Смотри, там есть жирный коммент... Что такое FTATR ??

1 year ago (edited)
For Those About To Rock and Riff Raff are actually only era-correct. Angus often played FTATR that way in the mid-90s into the early 2000s, but the rest of his career it was played with the open B, whether or not he intended it or even realized it. To be fair, Angus is not known for his impeccable memory; he even lost his Schaffer-Vega at one point. Also, Riff Raff almost always was played with the open A, whereas in some concerts from 2016-17 he played the 2nd fret G for a few cycles in the intro, then stopped immediately when the drum beat kicked in. Any indication that it is normally 2nd fret G is simply a symptom of the really high-heavy tones he played with in the late 70s as well as the fact that he used T-Tops, which tend to sound a little thinner. On top of that, the Schaffer-Vega, which was used on Powerage, really accents string attack and makes your tone a lot snappier, giving the effect as though you could be playing on a thinner string than you really are, possibly even making wound strings sound like unwound strings. If you listen closely on the If You Want Blood live album, you'll be able to tell it's an open A. Regardless, Angus has had several style changes over his career (which is to be expected; it's a 45 year span), and some songs have undergone some occasional changes as a result. Also note: on Riff Raff nowadays Angus palm-mutes and does a hammer-on in the start of the main riff, whereas he didn't do that in the 90s and before when they played it. Just because he does something one way now does not mean that's how he always did it. AC/DC's my favorite band, and I've done loads of research on them over the years. I REALLY know my stuff when it comes to the DC.