Автор Тема: Les Paul & Friends - American Made, World Played (2005)  (Прочитано 1244 раз)

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Les Paul & Friends - American Made, World Played (2005)
« : Декабря 20, 2005, 15:21:28 »
Les Paul & Alsou - How High The Moon (~3M)

Цитата: www.Alsou.org
On 25 July world famous guitarist Les Paul will release, following his 90 anniversary, the new album, in which he accompanies with stars of contemporary and preterite music.
Among the guests on album we will hear such stars like: Sting, Ritchie Sambora from rock band "Bon Jovi", Erik Clapton and.. Alsou!
Alsou duet song is called "How High The Moon", which originally had left on Les early albums and was a hit.

The second track with Paul more up front is a new take with the same rhythm section on the jazz “national anthem” “How High the Moon,” a # 1 hit for Paul and Mary Ford in 1951. Along with some of Paul’s signature lead guitar lines, this 2005 version features a second choice clip from Les and Mary’s ’40s-’50s radio show (the first clip leads off the album), plus vocals by Russian superstar singer/actress/model Alsou.

Цитата: www.TimesOnline.co.uk
The real low point, however, is the Russian singer Alsou’s take on Paul and Ford’s interplanetary How High the Moon, which verges on blasphemy.

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Re: Les Paul & Friends - American Made, World Played (2005)
« Ответ #1 : Декабря 20, 2005, 15:28:55 »
у меня есть старый видеоклип этой песни, ещё 50-х годов, с Мэри Форд

Оффлайн Shade

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Re: Les Paul & Friends - American Made, World Played (2005)
« Ответ #2 : Декабря 20, 2005, 19:46:32 »
у миня есть весь альбом Лес Пол и Фрэндс
ваще зачотный такой альбомчик