кстати по поводу гитар Гилберта...вот его письмо лично адресованное мне
Hi Kevin,
Do you have an e-mail address for George Orlov. I have a couple that he might be interested in.
Thank you!
Hi Kevin,
Thanks for the quick reply.
Please give this message to George:
Hi George,
do I have some other great guitars that you might like. Please read these descriptions and check out the attached photos.
1) 1982 Ibanez Rocket Roll II
This was my main guitar on my "Spaceship One" and "Get Out of My Yard" tours. I also used it a lot on the "G3" tour. It has a perfect set neck. I had it refretted with my favorite tall-skinny frets, and I put DiMarzio Air Classics pick ups in it. This vintage Ibanez plays and sounds amazing!
You can see it (and hear it) in these videos.
Paul Gilbert - my religion (live paris 2007)Viking kong Paul gilbert 2005 seoulG307 - Joe Satriani, John Petrucci and Paul Gilbert - Jam2) 1976 Ibanez Rocket Roll Flying V (Customized by Jeremy Scott)
Here is a video of me playing the guitar live:
PAUL GILBERT / I LIKE ROCK Jeremy Scott (clothes designer for Madonna, Bjork, and Christina Aguilera) did the custom pearls on the guitar and also designed the wild stage clothes that I'm wearing in the video.
http://www.jeremyscott.com/ This is also a great sounding and playing vintage Ibanez guitar with a set neck and DiMarzio pickups.
(I will include the clothes that I'm wearing in the video with the guitar!)
3) 1976 Ibanez SG Custom
This is a very rare vintage Ibanez with a set neck, DiMarzio pickups and great tone and playability.
You can see it here:
Amazing Journey - Pinball WizardPaul Gilbert - The Echo SongI also used it to record "The Curse of Castle Dragon" and the crazy intro to "Eudaimonia Overture".
4) Early 80's Rickenbacker 481
I played this guitar a lot in the early days of Racer X. (See attached photo.)
I had it refretted with my favorite tall and skinny frets, and put DiMarzio pickups in it. It's a very interesting guitar because it has slanted frets!
It has great tone and plays perfectly!
5) Mid-60's Vintage Ibanez "Spaceship One" guitar
I am holding this guitar on the cover of my "Spaceship One" CD "Spaceship Live" DVD.
It's not set up to play (the bridge needs some repair), but it's still a very famous guitar!
I love this guitar, but will sell it for...
6) Custom Made - George Gilbert "Mr. Guitar" Flying V
This was my main guitar when I was a teenager. I learned to play fast on this guitar! My dad (who's name is also George!) hand-made the body from a beautiful piece of maple wood. I bought the neck and the parts, and my dad and I built the guitar together. We painted the guitar a red-purple sunburst. You can see me holding this guitar in my very first magazine article ( in Guitar Player magazine's "Spotlight Column" in Feb. 1983. Sorry, the photo is blurry. I have a better one at home. I am traveling right now, but I'll be home in one week. So I can send you better photos then if you are interested.) I did my first club shows in Los Angele with this guitar, so really the earliest live pictures of me are all with this Flying V. (I can send you some of those photos as well, if you're interested in the guitar.)
The neck has been refretted and the guitar has a single DiMarzio pickup.
This is really a one-of-a-kind piece of my history, hand-made by my dad.
If you buy any of these guitars, I will include a handwritten note telling the story of the guitar, a photo of me holding the guitar, and an autograph either on guitar, or on a separate certificate (your choice.)
Also, I will give a 15% discount for payments made in cash.
This is a private offer, made only to you. Please don't give this information to anyone else.
Thank You and Rock and Roll!
Paul Gilbert
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