to Flynn
у меня тоже Gambale Chop не скачивается

и вот что оно мне говорит
File Hosting...Simple...
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Welcome to, the File Host. FileH is a simple service that allows users to host files of their choice, absolutely free. Accounts are given freely to the public, and as long as you login on a monthly basis, your account will remain active. FileH allows all sorts of file types, and specializes in providing ease of use for the hosting of files. Registration takes just a minute, and requires just an email address.
We currently offer the following:
Giant File Size Limit - (up to 250 Megs)
Unlimited Files
(250 megs)2500 Megs* of web space
Short Url:
Hot linking Allowed.
Browser Upload
Click here to Register Now!
These services are provided free of charge. All use is subject to our terms.
*For a limited time, new accounts can upload up to 2500 megs. Limited to the first thousand users. This may be subject to change in the future, but no sooner than in one month's time