Я, каэша, наглая жадная хапучая скотина, но все же....Flynn, кэн ю, ор кэн ю нот?
2. Advanced Scale Concepts and Licks for Guitar
3. Abersold, Jamey - How to Play and Improvise Jazz vol.1
9. Bergonzi, Jerry - Vol 1 - Melodic Structures
10. Bergonzi, Jerry - Vol 2 – Pentatonics
11. Bergonzi, Jerry - Vol 3 - Jazz Line
23. Fath, Michael - Hard Rock Tapping Studies
31. Geling, Peter - Progressive Blues Guitar Solos
32. Gilbert, Paul - Intense Rock 1&2
33. Goldstein, Joe - Joe’s Guitar Method Towards A Jazz Improviser’s Technique
38. Jazz Improvisation - Tonal and rythmic principles
59. Norm, Vincent - Lydian-Dominant Theory for Improvisation
86.Vai, Steve - Passion & Warfare (SongBook)
1. 1001 Blues Licks
2. 101 Blues Licks You Must Know
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