amirkhanov, да, "это"™ - там..

движок, кстати, у MF - оч хороший, несмотря на фырканье некоторых.. его, правда, портят всякие-разные скрипты, что самостоятельно правят посты и/или блокируют "нежелательные" слова - тут вроде та же история.. насчёт одиозных персонажей - их и тут есть.. причём порой так "есть", что.. нутыпонел.. у ГП только один плюс (но, ска, жырный) - (? пока ещё ?) выпиливают особенно отличившихся неадекватов..
... и добавил:! N.B. ! p.s.:
ежели кто самостоятельно не нагуглит буклет "Erotic Cakes" - черкните в ПМ, лудѣчше сразу со своим адресом e-mail.. потрошить книжку и выкладывать куски ради огрызка одной темы - не хо..

Wonderful Slippery Thing
Solo Tips
You can actually jam over the solo sections in this track and achieve some pretty good results using nothing more complex
than the humble Bm pentatonic scale. This is splendid news: it means that a player who may not feel entirely comfortable
with the whole jazz/fusion thing can simply build on that trusty pentatonic framework. adding one new idea at a time.
A few chromatic notes can work very well here if they’re applied in the right way, but the most important thing is to stay
focused on what’s actually going on in the chord progression. Try these scale choices, if you feel so inclined...
For the B section:
Bm7 - B aeolian
D9 - D mixolydian
Gmaj7 - G lydian
F#7b9 - F# phrygian dominant (if you like Yngwie) or F# superlocrian (if you like Larry!)
Additional info for the E section:
Em11 - E dorian (the same notes as the B aeolian and G lydian we encountered earlier.) This will work for the whole of bars
25-26, so don’t panic about the density of the chords as notated in the tab - everything’s going to be just fi ne.
A11 - A mixolydian
A#dim7 - you could interpret this as an F#7b9 with no root, and use F# phrygian dominant. You might also like to try the
whole-half diminished scale, starting on A#. Or you could play it safe and stick to the notes of the A#dim7 arpeggio. (Frankly,
it’s only there for one beat at the end of bar 23... so you could be forgiven for not worrying too much about this chord!)