а я опять засиделась в инете

нашла недавнее интервью с Филом на английском. прочла. а потом его же на русском

непонятные моменты перечитала. вернее, непонятный момент.
нашла stone the crow акустическую. красивая песня

я теперь под впечатлением. не могу уснуть.
жахнула кофе на ночь

а ещё есть кавер Down на Led Zeppelin when the levee breaks. я плакалъ. хорошо сыграли.
одно мне странно. происхождения названия группы Down

не думала, что всё так банально. и да...
... и добавил:пойду спать-таки. попытаюсь уснуть.
... и добавил:Anton_kgd, да что ж ты так далеко живёшь
... и добавил:мне кстати понравился кусок из интервью. теперь мне этот альфа-самец нравится ещё больше.
вот отрывочек (на английском, иначе, пропадает весь кайф от чтения):
I remember during Pantera’s first tour, it was charted out beautifully and we’d have a show and then several days off between, so we actually got to soak up every city we were in. Anyway, it was very memorable… but I forget the city. And I was in this packed bar and a band was playing, and I was bored out of my fuckin’ mind and I wanted to leave. And I was approached by these two beautiful girls. And they were like,” Are you bored?” And I’m like, “Hell yes!” And they say, “Well, do you wanna get out of here?” And I’m like, “ Fuckin’ A, I wanna get out of here!” So in my mind at this time I’m thinkin’, “Well, this could be fun… let’s see what happens.” So sure enough, we go back to my hotel room – the girls know where I’m stayin’, thank goodness, ’cos I didn’t have a clue. And the next thing we know, we’ve got a bunch of candles lit and we’re all drinkin’ wine, and these two girls have acoustic guitars and they start going into the most beautiful harmony singin’, playing guitars together… it was one of the most stunning thing I have ever experienced. And then the next day, they took me to one of the most beautiful places I have ever been in my life, like on a mountainside. There was a graveyard, a big wonderful tree. It was a magical time. My boxing coach came with us, and he’s a hardcore motherucker, and even he turned to me and expressed the beauty of bein’ in the company of these girls. I tell you what, I spent the night at their house and I didn’t lay a finger on either one of those girls because I had so much respect for them that if sex was in the works, they would have had to make the first move. And they didn’t, so I didn’t either. It was, y’know, a magical time.
... и добавил:романтика
... и добавил:если кто не понял, могу кинуть перевод