Sebastian Bach ищет гитариста и басиста!
Требования к кандидату:
- Guitar &/or Bass Player in the New York City / New Jersey Area. Backround Vocals are a plus. We rehearse in New Jersey, so the closer the better. This doesn't rule you out if you are from somewhere
else, but with the amount of jamming I like to do, relocation may be neccessary.
- Someone who doesn't need to get paid money to rehearse, write songs, appear in videos, or do promotion. Basically the way it works is , if I get $ , you get $. Sound fair ?
- Valid passport is required
- No criminal record
- No drunks, heavy chain smokers, or druggies need apply. All band members must be completely sober at all gigs & rehearsals.
- Should have at least some 'road experience' . Again, this doesn't rule you out if you are Dimebag Darrell or Randy Rhoads at the age of 17 (or any age for that matter), or the unknown 'Adam Lambert' of Lead Guitar. But honestly the chances of me taking someone around the world for the first time are extremely slim. I had one band member that smoked cigarretes so much that he threatened passengers in an airport in Germany because he couldn't "go have a smoke". Goodbye!
- Drummers Need Not Apply. I am very fortunate to have the best drummer in rock, Bobby Jarzombek, here in this band to stay. When we were offered the 5 shows this summer, Bobby replied with an
enthusiastic 'Yes, let's rock', within minutes. That's what I'm talkin' about! There are also 2 drummers locally that we can rock with. If every band member was as pro as Bobby, it would be the
best band ever. He is the standard, as anyone who jams with him knows.
- Internet tryouts are preferred. If you have a myspace page with songs, pix , videos etc, that is perfect . Email links to 'Bach Band' at:
[email protected] . Or you can mail a promo package with CD & or DVD to:
Bach Band
PO Box 215
Lincroft NJ
07738 USA
Packages will not be returned.
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