Автор Тема: компьютерные эффекты VS процессоры  (Прочитано 989 раз)

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Оффлайн DRUTAS Автор темы

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компьютерные эффекты VS процессоры
« : Декабря 16, 2010, 17:16:58 »
Anxiety of treachery, wary of the interloper
Never from the circle, the kindred you've confided in

Always from a stranger, is what you would believe in?
Cold-blooded betrayal, something not easily forgotten

Envy was the poisonous effect, flowing through your veins
Of What you should not covet, cowardly disdain
You talked all you shit, you couldn't help yourself
Wanting to divulge, craving to share your exploit
Greed in being the king, naive of the penalty

Revealing secrets, proceeded to deceive
Never seen it coming blinded camaraderie

Trust an afterthought, of what would not occur
Reflection powers fury, dominating need to act

Angst of retribution, only fleeting thought of dismissed
Desire for revenge, strengthening resolve.
Fleeting for respite, antagonism boiling over
Settling at hand, consider your life
Forfeit in every way, repugnance in my sight

Bash your fucking head; don't feel that will be enough
Mesmerizing in your pain, salt the wounds that burdened me
Your suffering is justified, affect as much as I can bring
Contemplating what you've earned, all this anguish you deserve

Must prolong your agony, persecution cruelty
Carving you like a pig, warranted distress you live
Vindicated mind-set spreads, all over me like gusting wind
Don't distress because I'm not done, we'll start all over later as one

Your back stabbing morals have taken away my life
My conduct in your torture must make it worth it
Haven't thought of this process I've undertaken
Extend your affliction I'll work to keep you aware

Wide awake your torment makes me think of how you act
The all-embracing jealousy hidden surging in your shell
No suspicion on you, loved to play the game of loyalty
Misery saturates all you know to find me satisfied

There will be no peace for me now
Distrust for anyone I'll ever encounter
Your treachery will die with you
« Последнее редактирование: Июля 30, 2011, 09:23:48 от DRUTAS »

Оффлайн Santjago

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Re: компьютерные эффекты VS процессоры
« Ответ #1 : Декабря 16, 2010, 17:29:34 »
про процессор за 100 баксов забудь как про страшный сон...
бери недорогой аудиоинтерфейс... типа M-Audio Fast Track MKII... сможешь и лабать через качественную обработку и записывать свои творения...

Оффлайн golbol1

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Re: компьютерные эффекты VS процессоры
« Ответ #2 : Декабря 16, 2010, 17:30:22 »
DRUTAS,  я бы купил звуковую карту ... а вертуальных процев хренова тьма ... в каторых присутствует амп и каб симуляция .... :alc: :alcoman:

Оффлайн DRUTAS Автор темы

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Re: компьютерные эффекты VS процессоры
« Ответ #3 : Декабря 16, 2010, 17:38:41 »
Anxiety of treachery, wary of the interloper
Never from the circle, the kindred you've confided in

Always from a stranger, is what you would believe in?
Cold-blooded betrayal, something not easily forgotten

Envy was the poisonous effect, flowing through your veins
Of What you should not covet, cowardly disdain
You talked all you shit, you couldn't help yourself
Wanting to divulge, craving to share your exploit
Greed in being the king, naive of the penalty

Revealing secrets, proceeded to deceive
Never seen it coming blinded camaraderie

Trust an afterthought, of what would not occur
Reflection powers fury, dominating need to act

Angst of retribution, only fleeting thought of dismissed
Desire for revenge, strengthening resolve.
Fleeting for respite, antagonism boiling over
Settling at hand, consider your life
Forfeit in every way, repugnance in my sight

Bash your fucking head; don't feel that will be enough
Mesmerizing in your pain, salt the wounds that burdened me
Your suffering is justified, affect as much as I can bring
Contemplating what you've earned, all this anguish you deserve

Must prolong your agony, persecution cruelty
Carving you like a pig, warranted distress you live
Vindicated mind-set spreads, all over me like gusting wind
Don't distress because I'm not done, we'll start all over later as one

Your back stabbing morals have taken away my life
My conduct in your torture must make it worth it
Haven't thought of this process I've undertaken
Extend your affliction I'll work to keep you aware

Wide awake your torment makes me think of how you act
The all-embracing jealousy hidden surging in your shell
No suspicion on you, loved to play the game of loyalty
Misery saturates all you know to find me satisfied

There will be no peace for me now
Distrust for anyone I'll ever encounter
Your treachery will die with you
« Последнее редактирование: Июля 30, 2011, 09:23:41 от DRUTAS »

Оффлайн Santjago

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Re: компьютерные эффекты VS процессоры
« Ответ #4 : Декабря 16, 2010, 17:46:20 »
самое доступное решение Behringer GUITAR LINK UCG102... но никто пока не может с уверенностью выразиться о его качестве звука...

Оффлайн golbol1

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Re: компьютерные эффекты VS процессоры
« Ответ #5 : Декабря 16, 2010, 17:47:24 »
DRUTAS, Читай внимательней .... M-Audio Fast Track MKII о каторой писал Santjago,  и есть ЮСБ аудио карта ...   http://playmusicshop.ru/shop/UID_842.html ... :alc:

Оффлайн DRUTAS Автор темы

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Re: компьютерные эффекты VS процессоры
« Ответ #6 : Декабря 16, 2010, 17:49:05 »
Anxiety of treachery, wary of the interloper
Never from the circle, the kindred you've confided in

Always from a stranger, is what you would believe in?
Cold-blooded betrayal, something not easily forgotten

Envy was the poisonous effect, flowing through your veins
Of What you should not covet, cowardly disdain
You talked all you shit, you couldn't help yourself
Wanting to divulge, craving to share your exploit
Greed in being the king, naive of the penalty

Revealing secrets, proceeded to deceive
Never seen it coming blinded camaraderie

Trust an afterthought, of what would not occur
Reflection powers fury, dominating need to act

Angst of retribution, only fleeting thought of dismissed
Desire for revenge, strengthening resolve.
Fleeting for respite, antagonism boiling over
Settling at hand, consider your life
Forfeit in every way, repugnance in my sight

Bash your fucking head; don't feel that will be enough
Mesmerizing in your pain, salt the wounds that burdened me
Your suffering is justified, affect as much as I can bring
Contemplating what you've earned, all this anguish you deserve

Must prolong your agony, persecution cruelty
Carving you like a pig, warranted distress you live
Vindicated mind-set spreads, all over me like gusting wind
Don't distress because I'm not done, we'll start all over later as one

Your back stabbing morals have taken away my life
My conduct in your torture must make it worth it
Haven't thought of this process I've undertaken
Extend your affliction I'll work to keep you aware

Wide awake your torment makes me think of how you act
The all-embracing jealousy hidden surging in your shell
No suspicion on you, loved to play the game of loyalty
Misery saturates all you know to find me satisfied

There will be no peace for me now
Distrust for anyone I'll ever encounter
Your treachery will die with you
« Последнее редактирование: Июля 30, 2011, 09:22:53 от DRUTAS »

Оффлайн golbol1

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Re: компьютерные эффекты VS процессоры
« Ответ #7 : Декабря 16, 2010, 17:54:14 »
DRUTAS, Дешевле только даром .... :D :D :D

Оффлайн DRUTAS Автор темы

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Re: компьютерные эффекты VS процессоры
« Ответ #8 : Декабря 16, 2010, 17:56:37 »
Anxiety of treachery, wary of the interloper
Never from the circle, the kindred you've confided in

Always from a stranger, is what you would believe in?
Cold-blooded betrayal, something not easily forgotten

Envy was the poisonous effect, flowing through your veins
Of What you should not covet, cowardly disdain
You talked all you shit, you couldn't help yourself
Wanting to divulge, craving to share your exploit
Greed in being the king, naive of the penalty

Revealing secrets, proceeded to deceive
Never seen it coming blinded camaraderie

Trust an afterthought, of what would not occur
Reflection powers fury, dominating need to act

Angst of retribution, only fleeting thought of dismissed
Desire for revenge, strengthening resolve.
Fleeting for respite, antagonism boiling over
Settling at hand, consider your life
Forfeit in every way, repugnance in my sight

Bash your fucking head; don't feel that will be enough
Mesmerizing in your pain, salt the wounds that burdened me
Your suffering is justified, affect as much as I can bring
Contemplating what you've earned, all this anguish you deserve

Must prolong your agony, persecution cruelty
Carving you like a pig, warranted distress you live
Vindicated mind-set spreads, all over me like gusting wind
Don't distress because I'm not done, we'll start all over later as one

Your back stabbing morals have taken away my life
My conduct in your torture must make it worth it
Haven't thought of this process I've undertaken
Extend your affliction I'll work to keep you aware

Wide awake your torment makes me think of how you act
The all-embracing jealousy hidden surging in your shell
No suspicion on you, loved to play the game of loyalty
Misery saturates all you know to find me satisfied

There will be no peace for me now
Distrust for anyone I'll ever encounter
Your treachery will die with you
« Последнее редактирование: Июля 30, 2011, 09:22:46 от DRUTAS »

Оффлайн golbol1

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Re: компьютерные эффекты VS процессоры
« Ответ #9 : Декабря 16, 2010, 18:01:13 »
DRUTAS, Просто сравни хорактеристики любых карт с Behringer GUITAR LINK UCG102 ... а на Ютюбе звучит не карта а запись зделанная на проф оборудовании и проффисионалами .... реклама бильдёноть ... ;D :alc:

Оффлайн Santjago

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Re: компьютерные эффекты VS процессоры
« Ответ #10 : Декабря 16, 2010, 18:06:05 »
у каждого индивидуума свои критерии "вменяемости"...

Оффлайн shlema

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Re: компьютерные эффекты VS процессоры
« Ответ #11 : Декабря 17, 2010, 17:00:06 »
карту естественно. Можно маудио аудиофил 2496

Оффлайн SHUM_Records

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Re: компьютерные эффекты VS процессоры
« Ответ #12 : Декабря 17, 2010, 18:15:13 »
shlema, нету у автора ни педалек? ни комбиков, куда он гитару-то втыкать будет? в линейный вход? будет не сильно лучше встроенной карты

Самые дешевые решения - m-audio fast track или toneport gx, но и это в 3 раза превышает выделенный бюджет, поэтому беринжеровский девайс может и будет нормальным выбором, как минимум я уверен, что предназначенный для гитары вход окажет большее значение, чем качество преобразователей

Оффлайн shlema

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Re: компьютерные эффекты VS процессоры
« Ответ #13 : Декабря 17, 2010, 21:24:22 »
SHUM_Records, я  например  себе повторитель на 1м операционнике спаяю без проблем, есть тема на гп "самый простой DI box для гитары" возможно это неправильный подход.

Оффлайн SHUM_Records

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Re: компьютерные эффекты VS процессоры
« Ответ #14 : Декабря 17, 2010, 22:31:14 »
shlema, кстати спаяй и запиши че-нить, реально интересно на сколько качественно будут звучать эти простые дибоксы...
я думаю что именно дибокс (для втыкания в микрофонный вход) может и нормальный получится, а вот качественно и без шумов усилить на 1 операционнике думаю не получится, хотя кто знает... просто возиться лень