Народ! Хотел с вами обсудить как подключить dll в лоджике. А то не хватает хайгейновых усилков на хакинтоше!!!
Вот нашел инструкцию. Сделал по ней, но лоджик не видит dll.
Installing XCode (Necessary to build Wine):
1. First, you'll need to download Xcode from Apple's developer site. In order to do so, you'll first need to register with Apple's developer program. This is free. To do so, click on this link:
https://connect.apple.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/Membe rSite.woa, and click "Join Now", and follow all the steps to fill in the required information to get a username and password for the Apple Developer Program.
2. Once you get your username and password, go here:
https://connect.apple.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/Membe rSite.woa/wa/promo?source=ADCLOG&code=ADCLOG-NEX and log in with your credentials.
3. Once you're logged in, you'll see the member's page. From here you should click on the Downloads link.
4. Next, click on the link on the right that says "Developer Tools"
5. Now, locate "Xcode 3.1.3 Developer DVD (Disk Image)" and click on it to download the Xcode installer.
6. Once it downloads, double click on the .dmg file and then the .pkg file contained within. Follow he instructions and allow it to install. You shouldn't need to customize the installation.
Installing MacPorts, Porticus, and Wine:
7. Click here to download MacPorts:
http://svn.macports.org/repository/macports/downlo ads/MacPorts-1.7.1/MacPorts-1.7.1-10.5-Leopard.dmg . Once it downloads, double click on the .dmg file and then the .pkg file contained within. Follow he instructions and allow it to install.
8. Next, click here to install Porticus.
http://porticus.alittledrop.com/downloads/Porticus _1_6_3.dmg. Once it downloads, double click on the .dmg file and drag Porticus to your apps folder.
9. Open the Porticus app.
10. Click on the folder that says "All Ports". (You should see almost 6000 available.)
11. Type "wine-devel" (without quotes) in the search box in the upper right.
12. Click on "wine-devel" in the main window.
13. Click the green "install" button in the upper left.
14. Click the install button in the confirmation window and enter your admin password for osx. This will automate the entire process needed to download, compile, and install Wine and all it's dependencies. It will take a long time... maybe an hour or more if I remember correctly, so be patient.
Installing XQuartz:
15. Click here to download XQuartz:
http://xquartz.macosforge.org/downloads/X11-2.3.3. 2.dmg. Once it downloads, double click on the .dmg file and then the .pkg file contained within. Follow he instructions and allow it to install. NOTE: The MIDI related problems I made mention of earlier in this thread might not be XQuartz related, but may instead be due to a known bug in 10.5.7. This is the link to the latest version.
Installing and configuring WACVST:
16. Follow this link to get to the latest version of WACVST and click on the "Download Now!" button to download the binaries:
http://sourceforge.net/projects/wacvst/. 17. One the file is downloaded, go ahead and unzip it.
18. Once unzipped, double-click on the wacvst folder to open it.
19. Control-click on the wacvst.vst file and select "Show Package Contents" from the drop down menu. This will open an new window showing the contents of wacvst.vst.
20. Double-click on the "Resources" folder in the new window.
21. Double-click on config.plist. If you've correctly installed Xcode, this should open up easily with the Property List Editor.
22. Change the plugin-name value to be the name of your Windows VST filename *without* the extension. So if your plugin's filename is messiah.dll, then you should change the plugin-name to be "messiah" (without quotations).
23. Change the wine-path to reflect the location in your wine install. By default, this will likely appear as: /usr/local/bin/wine . If you've been following these instructions, then you should change this to: /opt/local/bin/wine
24. Type command-Q to quite the Property List Manager and then click "Save".
25. Drag the Windows VST .ddl file you wish to wrap and any supporting files into the "Resources" folder window that should still be open on your desktop. (If you're not sure about the "supporting files" (which can get pretty involved, depending on the plug-in), then I might recommend that you start off experimenting with some of the more simple freeware plug-ins that only comprise of a simple user interface and a single .dll file. At this point, you can close the "Resources" folder window, but leave the "wacvst-bin" folder open.
26. Double-click on Macintosh HD.
27. Double-click on Library.
28. Double-click on Audio.
29. Double-click on Plug-Ins.
30. Double-click on VST.
31. Drag the wacvst.vst file from the "wacvst" folder to the "VST" folder.
32. Cross your fingers.
33. Open up VST host you like and see if your plug-in shows up.
Собственно хотел бы обсудить может кто делал по этой инструкции!!!! У меня остался не решенным вопрос о том, что когда доходишь до пункта 31. Drag the wacvst.vst file from the "wacvst" folder to the "VST" folder. и копируешь wacvst.vst file (хотя у меня это папка а не файл) то получается, что у меня уже лежит в директории VST вст файлик супериора и ПАПКА а не файлик wacvst.vst. Когда запускаю лоджик то супериор есть а вот wacvst нет!!! Может его как то преобразовать в файл надо?.........хз...короче
из последнего разговора со знающими людьми вот что выяснилось
Эта инструкция делает из Dll ---> VST. После этого надо скачать fxpansion vst to au. И из VST сделать AU. Но почему то у меня этот адаптер (fxpansion vst to au) не находит переделанный из DLL VST!!!