нашел интересный фикс от fxpansion:
FXpansion Audio UK Ltd
http://www.fxpansion.com9 August 2004
A number of manufacturing or mastering errors (we are
still investigating how and what happened) have been
discovered in FXpansion's BFD XFL. These range from the
catastrophic (badly corrupted files that crash BFD's of
v1.0.8 series) to the annoying (single bit shifts in the
files, leading to sudden increases in loudness half way
through playback).
109 files out of 6119 are affected (1.79%), and a full
list may be found below.
This utility will rename the identified bad files, adding
"_bad" to the file extension. This prevents BFD from
detecting the files at runtime, and allows you to use
the rest of XFL until We release a binary patch for
these files in the very near future. BFD XFL can function
at almost full strength with only a slight decrease in
variety of velocity layers.