хм.. почитал я егоный ридми. тама написано,что мол при юзании наушников создаётся неправдоподобно-чистое стерео.
а при прослушивании через динамики звуковая картина более естественная.
а эта програмулина крутит фазу и дилеит сигнал
в принципе мысля то об акустике правильная. только мои аргументы такие:
1)для правильной акустич. картины и помещение должно быть правильной формы и аппарат соответствующий, а не наши российские квартиры и хай-фай аппаратура

2)наушники бывают закрытые и открытые. вторые какраз дают правильную картину и без резонансов они (у меня такие - AKG k-100)
3) все эффекты ,требующие панорамной базы ,можно отрегулировать и по показаниям приборов (спектр-анализатор,коррелометр и прочая хренотень) и отталкиваясь от базовых пресетов.
да и вообще,опыт приходит с годами. чем дольше ковыряешся, тем лучше получается.
VNoPhones is supposed to counter-act the absolute stereo you get with headphones. (why-o-why I hear you ask...) When we hear stuff under normal enviromental conditions, sounds from any location in our auditory field reach both ears, the contralateral (opposite side) ear receiving a somewhat attenuated and phase-shifted version of the signal that the ipsilateral ear receives (There is also the head-related transfer function, the wierd spectrum adjustment due to lumpy body bits resonating, cancelling and bending various frequencies in various ways, but whoah-ho-ho, we'll just leave that for the moment...!)
ANYWAY, this plugin is just a quick-n-dirty experiment that allows you to change the amount of contralateral channel crossover and delay, so that you can let all those neurons that have been trained to spatialise and locate sound sources do a little of their thing. This is NOT aimed at being a particularly useful effect, it's just a basic realisation of some of the auditory stuff I'm researching. It will also only work in the master effects section, since it requires a stereo input.
Best results are with a VERY stereo sound (not just a mono run through the world's best choruser/stereo expander - phasing effects will result). I also preprocess any sound examples with a bit of a reverb (another 'natural' consequence of listening without headphones). You may not hear anything different without headphones either, since using speakers will allow the sort of natural signal cross-over we are trying to emulate in the PlugIn.
The programs in the plugin are NOT meant to reflect real-room numbers either. They may be in the ball park, but that's it... mind you, the "BIG HEAD" setting is just what it says - the delay time means the head must be in the region of a metre wide.
Useful numbers: A human head takes a couple milliseconds to travel around if you're a sound wave.
As a first step, try setting the delay to zero, and then increase the amount of cross over to about thirty percent. The sounds will appear to be more centrally located in your auditory field (big surprise, since all you're doing is changing the pan settings really.) Now slowly add a few millseconds of delay - you should hear the sounds move 'outwards' again, thanks to circuits in your brainstem designed to detect inter-aural delay and translate it into a location in the horizontal plane of your auditory spacemap.
На всякий пожарный прикрепляю эту фигню.