Дима Жундриков,
Почитай мануал к своей железке на официальном сайте - вот выдержка из текста:
Footswitch Inputs - You can connect up to two on/off footswitches here and use the MIDI Control
Settings dialog within the Line 6 Audio-MIDI Devices panel to configure the type of MIDI message
that is transmitted.* You can use most any available “momentary” or “sustain pedal” type footswitch
that includes a 1/4 inch connector. The MIDI control message is routed to the UX2 USB MIDI Out
Port. This MIDI port is selectable within POD Farm 2 or your DAW or MIDI software to provide MIDI
control of the desired software parameters.
И далее:
Most POD Farm 2 amp, preamp and effects parameters are able to be accessed via MIDI, allowing
you to control them remotely using an external MIDI controller device, such as the Line 6 FBV™
MkII devices, or the pedal & switch controls on the Line 6 UX8, UX2, KB37, POD X3 (Pro and Live)
and PODxt devices. External MIDI controller devices connect to your computer either via USB or
5-Pin MIDI port and send various types of MIDI messages which can be received by your software
Я так понимаю нужны особые педальки, хотя выше указано что, мол, любые педали с 1/4 джеком