Любопытное письмо увидел в мейл-листе Audacity. Оригинальный постер пытается записать звук в компьютер с вертушки, и звук слишком громкий, но дело не в этом... Письмо:
Re: [Audacity-users] Can't Reduce Line In Signal - help
From: Monty
To: [email protected]
Date: Monday 04:59:58
On Sun, Oct 24, 2004 at 01:59:05PM -0400, Dj Ether wrote:
> You're not gonna get rid of the noise. You're going line-level into
> mic-level.
Or he's using pro equipment that thinks line goes to +4dBu, where most
consumer equipment thinks that line goes to -10dBu. Although I'd have
thought that the line in attenuator in the mixer ahas more than 10 or
20 dB of range....
Получается, линия линии рознь?