Axl Mile, Лови инструкцию:
Все файлы тут: INSTRUCTIONS : ProFire 610 and ProFire 2626 cards under macOS Sierra follows :
!!! Before installing, run the Un-Installer to remove any previous M-Audio Drivers that you might have installed unless you work with a clean installation. !!!
The uninstaller is found in the official M-Audio 2.4.4 package from the FILES section here.
Boot into recovery mode (press CMD+R at boot).
Disable System Integrity Protection in the recovery mode of the machine. At the terminal run :
csrutil disable [PRESS ENTER]
Install M-Audio's version 2.4.4 installer for the card (the latest, from their website or the FILES section here).
Remove only the installed kernel extension, from Terminal type :
cd /System/Library/Extensions [PRESS ENTER]
sudo rm -rf M-AudioFireWireDICE.kext [PRESS ENTER]
And just in case:
cd /Library/Extensions [PRESS ENTER]
sudo rm -rf M-AudioFireWireDICE.kext [PRESS ENTER]
Download the ProFire kernel extension from the "Files" section. Drag and drop the kext-file to the /Library/Extensions directory.
You could get an OS X / macOS error window, press OK and proceed
Download Kext Utility from it once, it will rebuild the kernel cache and fix permissions. Nice tool.
Reboot into recovery mode (press CMD+R at boot). Type into Terminal :
csrutil enable --without kext [PRESS ENTER]

Shut down and connect your ProFire 610 / 2626.
Boot up, everything should now work fine.
Be happy. Enjoy!
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