Вышла то восьмерочка ужо... совсем недавно.. 22 сентября... может кто то уже нарыл в нете

А вот и новшества
Cakewalk SONAR 8 Producer Edition Features:
* Unlimited tracks of audio and MIDI
* Track templates that instantly load your favorite sounds
* Dedicated Step Sequencer
* New Instrument Tracks
* Plug-in direct to access fresh and versatile tones with the included suite of 31 audio effects
* Build audio and MIDI tracks fast using Groove Clips and the redesigned Loop Explorer
* Record at virtually any bit depth/sample rate up to 24-bit/384kHz
* New responsive Transport for on-the-fly recording
* Manipulate the timing and feel of audio, just like MIDI, with AudioSnap
* Track Layers powerful comping and editing tools
* Quickly edit MIDI with state of the art Smart MIDI Tools
* Streamline your workflow and project organization using Track Folders
* Edit multiple tracks at once with group editing
* Freeze audio and instrument tracks for optimal performance
* 64-bit audio engine
* Active Controller Technology
* Console view
* Get sophisticated mixes with flexible routing options, unlimited submixes and sends, and internal sidechaining
* Bus Waveform Preview
* Automatic Delay Compensation
* Multi-core/multi-processor support
* ReWire compatible
* Flexible export options and faster than realtime rendering
* Import/export AIF, Broadcast WAV, FLAC, SD2 (Sound Designer II), QuickTime, and many other audio & video file formats
* Upload music directly from SONAR to the web using Cakewalk Publisher to create online streaming flash players
* Rip and burn CDs right from within SONAR
* Preset patterns for the Step Sequencer offering useful beats to get your productions started
* New and updated ACT mappings for popular control surfaces and MIDI controllers
* New Project and Track Templates to get you set-up instantly
Cakewalk SONAR 8 Producer Edition Exclusive Tools, Effects, and Instruments:
* LP-64 EQ linear phase mastering
* LP-64 Multiband linear phase mastering compressor/limiter
* TS-64 Transient Shaper
* TL-64 Tube Leveler
* VC-64 Vintage Channel with sidechaining capabilities
* Roland V-Vocal 1.5 with Pitch to MIDI conversion
* Native Instruments Guitar Rig 3 LE
* Perfect Space Convolution Reverb
* Lexicon Pantheon Reverb
* Sonitus Surround Compressor
* Dimension Pro 1.2 virtual synthesizer with Classic Keys Expansion Pack
* TruePianos Amber VSTi
* Beatscape looping instrument
* Hollywood Edge Sound FX library for Dimension Pro
* Z3TA+ waveshaping synthesizer
* Surround mixing in over 30 formats
* SurroundBridge technology to use stereo FX in surround
* POW-r dithering
Other SONAR 8 Producer Edition Included Instruments:
* Rapture LE - modern electronic sounds for today's music
* DropZone - easy-to-use drag and drop sampler with REX support
* Pentagon I - access vintage analog sounds
* PSYN II - full-featured subtractive synthesizer
* RXP - easy-to-use REX player/groove box
* Roland GrooveSynth and TTS-1 with genuine Roland Sounds
* Session Drummer 2 - create drum parts easily with a live feel, includes popular drum patterns to get started
* Sonitus:fx Suite - Reverb, EQ, Delay, Compressor, Wah, and more
* Boost 11 Peak Limiter for maximum punch from your final mix
* Channel Tools - essential stereo enhancement, utilizing sample delay, MS Decoding, and independent left/right panning
* Garritan Pocket Orchestra for Dimension LE provides a complete set of orchestral instrumentation