комментарии Periphery в блоге на майспейс о смене вокалиста
Hey Guys, we thought it would be appropriate to clear the air a little bit in regards to our singer situation. There's no bad blood between the members of Periphery and Chris, it just wasn't working out for a number of reasons all of which will remain private to the band and Chris. We wish him the absolute best because he is a talented front man and a great dude. Our hope is that our fans embrace this decision and realize things like this happen for a reason and not because we're trying to change our sound or for any arbitrary reasons.
как всегда в таких случаях, ничего конкретного, "он хороший певец и чувак, но с ним не получилось" >.<
Еще один сайд-проект Миши.C новым вокалистом, Крисом Баретто ( видимо на майспейсе старая инфа, Крис Баретто - предыдущий вокалист Перифери) side project started by Bulb with his new Periphery singer Chris Barrrrretttttto. The only rule is that at all times it has to groove and be heavier than all of your moms combined imo. We will quickly write 5 songs or something Enjoy