Xm, please don't tell me about electrons and other those things, I am a physicist and every day working with all the particle zoo. But muon is not electron, it's just like the electron, but it is NOT the heavy electron. I can explain if you want:
we have 3 families of leptons:
e - electron (and electon neutrino)
mu - mu-meson ( plus muon neutrino)
tau - tau-lepton (and tau neutrino)
and all this 6 particles have an antiparticles.
All difference between them is their mass, but there is no scientific definition "heavy electron", maybe it was a half hundred year ago, but now it isn't.
Electron is only one !
And you don't right with your words about neutron decay:
n is neutral, he have no charge !
He can decay by weak interactions to p (proton) + electron + antineutrino (due to charge conservation law), but he cannot decay to mu+neutrino+antineutrino...
Oh, it seems too difficult to explain, but you absolutely wrong with your conclusions, sorry. Don't tell something you're not sure, because many people can believe your words and live with it all life

If you want to, I will write normal explanation on russion, when I'll come back from Nuclear Center. If you are interested, of course.
Oh, god, thanks Dehum, you made me laugh again:
"cвободный нейтрон (вообще, любая тяжелая частица) может не только распасться на электрон, нейтрино, антинейтрино, но и может образовать мюон и нейтрино"
Xaxaxa !
Please, excuse me, it is really very funny
