Вот что пишет по поводу "КАК научится" Меола. Резиновые перчатки это, конечно, стремно, но в принципе мне нравится его подход: train, don't strain
Скорость начинается тогда, когда исчезает напряжение из рук и руки сами играют ровно. Постепенно пальцы будут "летать" все быстрее.
<<Отрывок из A Guide To Chords, Scales, & Arpeggios
(by Al Di Meola & Bob Aslanian)>>
http://www.aldimeola.narod.ru/pub/guide.htmlWarm-up and developing speed exercises
We feel that one of the best ways to warm up and develop speed is to practice using scale exercises. We suggest you start by using the Major Scale and using either the A or B fingering. Use the alternate picking technique (down-up stroke pattern) and begin with a slow tempo. Practice the scale, first in eighth notes, then in eighth note triplets, sixteenth notes, and in broken thirds, ascending and descending in two octaves. Once you feel comfortable playing this scale at a slow tempo, then gradually pick up the tempo and repeat the entire exercise. After working with fingerings A and B, we suggest repeating the entire exercise using fingerings C, D, and E. These fingerings are great for stretching your fingers.
There are several things to remember. First, the warm up exercises should total no more than fifteen to twenty minutes at the beginning of each practice session. Train,don't strain. Second, always begin the exercise with a slow tempo and don't increase the tempo until you can play the scale smoothly.
Over the years, guitar players have used certain tricks to help strengthen their fingers and develop speed. As crazy as they may seem, they do work. The first trick is to practice all scale fingerings wearing a tight rubber glove on your left hand. Another trick is to use very heavy gauge strings and raise the action on your guitar a little higher than usual. When playing scales or arpeggios, remember to keep the fingers of your left hand as close to the strings as possible. This is not only proper technique, but a little trick in developing speed. The greater the distance your fingers have to travel to hold down a string, time will be wasted, thus losing speed.