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You mentioned having trouble with your vibrato system until you learned how to set it.
How do you set it now?
Uhhh. Well, that’s one thing I really don’t tell people.
Oh, yeah?
Yeah, because then, you know, you get everybody and their brother doing it too.
Well, I’ll try to tell ya. Okay. It’s a combination of a lot of things. You know the little string retainers at the top of the neck? If those clamp down, like the way Fender Strats always come from the factory, if those things are tied real down, the strings will get caught up in there and go out of tune. The amount of springs that you use in the back affects it too.
Do you change the tension of the springs themselves?
Yeah. They’re Fender springs, but they’re a little looser.
So you buy a different spring?
Yeah. Really, though, it’s got a lot to do with the way you play it. Like you can’t just bring it down and not bring it back up. Because some people hit the bar and just let it go. You kind of have to pull it back up right. And then sometimes when you stretch a note too far when you’re fingering it with your left hand, it’ll go flat. Then you have to pull the bar back up to bring it back to normal.
So it’s more a matter of technique.
Yeah. It’s not really one thing, like it’s a big secret, but a lot of things are involved. And also the type of strings that you use. But I found that a gauged set, as opposed to making up your own string gauges, works better. Just a regular pack of gauged strings that you buy. See, what I used to do was always use heavier bottom strings and lighter top ones. But if the set’s not matched, then it won’t work very well with the vibrato either. So my Fender strings start with .009 and go to either a .040 or .042.
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http://jasobrecht.com/eddie-van-halen-complete-1978-interviews/Вот читаю, так то слова понятны, но я принцип не понимаю че он там делает. Левой рукой что ли гриф как то обхватывает, когда опускает рычаг, или что